Nantucket Townswoman
Phantom is an action thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to seek justice takes him from India to Europe, America and the volatile Middle East. However, he finds out that in a mission like this, there is always a price to pay, in this case, a very personal price.
Woman at Station (uncredited)
40 years after the first haunting at Eel Marsh House, a group of children evacuated from WWII London arrive, awakening the house's darkest inhabitant.
Woman at Station
40 years after the first haunting at Eel Marsh House, a group of children evacuated from WWII London arrive, awakening the house's darkest inhabitant.
Woman in Crowd (uncredited)
the mother
『アース』などを製作したBBC EARTHが、水をテーマに大自然を特殊なカメラで撮影したドキュメンタリー。573日の撮影期間を要し、謎めいた森、燃え盛る地下世界、異国の砂、灼熱の平原、魅惑の海中都市、凍てつく山脈、荒れ狂う激流の七つのカテゴリーの自然で構成。『ウォーキング with ダイナソー』のニール・ナイチンゲイルと共にパトリック・モスが共同でメガホンを取る。ジンバブエ共和国のビクトリアの滝の縁からの眼下に落ちていく水、数千羽のフラミンゴの色が変化する過程など、迫力あるビジュアルでいまだ見たことのない大自然が眼前に広がる。