Toby Tatum


Night on the Riverbank
Animals dance beneath radiant moonglow in Night on the Riverbank, Toby Tatum’s atmospheric found footage creation scored by British Sea Power’s Abi Fry.
The Butterfly
an emergent world in miniature: of underwater flames, of intermingling elements, an origins story extracted from the dark
The Garden
Toby Tatum's "The Garden" opens a window onto a realm of enchantment. Here wraiths flicker on moss-bearded rocks, rain washes the spoor-filled air and metamorphic flowers glow with supernatural potency. In this place beyond the screen time languidly dilates, returning us to new rhythms. Here priorities of scale shift, allowing the microcosmic world of small things to assume larger proportions. As darkness descends a surging aurora of prismatic colour arises, dancing on the threshold between worlds.
A haunting journey through a succession of weird landscapes, where paradoxical ruins are darkened by obscure foreboding and unearthly creatures hover on a threshold between worlds.
The Loom
A movie that looks into the enchanted region where nature borders the supernatural and features the strange music that emanated from an Aeolian harp.
The Loom
A movie that looks into the enchanted region where nature borders the supernatural and features the strange music that emanated from an Aeolian harp.
Lost Gardens
Glimpse phantasmagoric gardens: warped, improbable and fantastic. An abandoned Eden has grown strange.
If you look carefully, monsters of the prehistoric past will emerge from the landscape around you.
The Green Mind
Short by Toby Tatum.
A World Assembled
A World Assembled represents Toby Tatum's creation of an improbable realm, stitched together from a kit of warring elements into a fantastic whole.
The Subterraneans
A series of visions relayed through a heightened consciousness. These views frame the shadowy recesses that offer access to the underworld and draw us closer to the presences that lurk beyond these thresholds.
Mental Space
A vision in a dream. Follow a stream of consciousness deep into a world transformed by the shaping spirit of the imagination.
Mental Space
A vision in a dream. Follow a stream of consciousness deep into a world transformed by the shaping spirit of the imagination.