Amy is a New York City executive working for Blossom, a wellness company that has been trying to launch deliverable meal prep kits. She needs to find a chef to help guide the venture and tries to woo Marcello Barone, an Italian chef. When Amy contacts him, he turns her down -- Marcello got burned in the past by the New York restaurant scene and is now enjoying running a cooking school in Venice. To try and persuade him, Amy enrolls in his cooking school, which is located in a stunning Venetian palazzo. While there, Marcello introduces Amy to the slow-paced pleasures of Italy and shows her how the kits can be healthy by using fresh ingredients. But when the cooking course is over, and Amy fails to lure Marcello back to New York, will she go back or stay in Venice?
Has been an year since Pietro Zinni's gang got caught in the Sopox production laboratory and each of them locked up in different jails. From Regina Coeli jail, Pietro keep warning the authorities a fool syntetized nerve gas and he is ready to make a killing, but no one takes him seriously.
Come ogni 14enne Carolina, detta Caro,è impegnata a districarsi tra la scuola, gli amici e il rapporto spesso conflittuale con i genitori, si trova improvvisamente alle prese con i turbamenti legati al primo amore che ha il nome e il volto di Massimiliano. Ad aiutarla nel suo cammino verso la scoperta delle gioie e dei dolori sentimentali ci saranno le sue amiche del cuore e la sua famiglia