Tang Shiang-Chu

出生 : 1964-03-21,


Tang Shiang-chu (Chinese: 湯湘竹, born in 1964) is a Taiwanese film director and sound designer. He was graduated from the National Taiwan College of Arts. He is currently a senior soundperson at the Tu Duu-chi Recording Studio.


Day Off
A woman who has owned a barbershop for over 40 years determines to embark on a long journey to cut the hair of an old customer who has moved away and is too sick to travel.
“Siaulian”, who is released from prison and trying to turn his life back to track, runs into his childhood friend Tang, now a police officer, in a gang fight. Siaulian is wanted by the gangs since he has been made the one responsible for the fight. Siaulian is forced to form his own gang in order to protect his family and seek revenge. Eventually, he is wanted by both the gangsters and the police. As for Tang, he is struggling to protect his dearest friend as he is actually the reason why Siaulian was sentenced to prison.
Executive Producer
“Siaulian”, who is released from prison and trying to turn his life back to track, runs into his childhood friend Tang, now a police officer, in a gang fight. Siaulian is wanted by the gangs since he has been made the one responsible for the fight. Siaulian is forced to form his own gang in order to protect his family and seek revenge. Eventually, he is wanted by both the gangsters and the police. As for Tang, he is struggling to protect his dearest friend as he is actually the reason why Siaulian was sentenced to prison.
Treat or Trick
Location Sound Recordist
Feng, a corrupted police officer, ordered to retrieve the diamonds within 48hrs, arrives at a remote village, following the mobile signal of his partner Chiang who stole the diamonds from the gang. While Feng and his men try to find Chiang in the village, they encounter the locals who seem naive but suspicious, and a ghost full of stories. Remake of a renowned Korean film To Catch A Virgin Ghost (2004).
Murmur of the Hearts
Sound Designer
Mei falls for an underachieving boxer, and begins years of soul searching in the city, where she reunites with her estranged brother under unexpected circumstances. What was remembered and forgotten are lessons that have profound consequences.
Pusu Qhuni
80 years ago, Seediq people living in the mountains of Taiwan organized an uprising against the Japanese colonial rulers: the rebellion known as the "Wushe Incident". In this documentary, the descendants of the Wushe survivors talk about that history from their point of view, and lead us to the places where the tragedies took place.
How Long Is the Road
Director Tang Shiang-chu first read about the Taiwanese veterans twenty years ago in the Ren-Jian Magazine, realizing that there were other people suffering the same fate as his father which a war took them away from their homes; and it wasn't after the cross-strait opened up forty years later that the remaining soldier were giving a chance to return home.
Sound Designer
A couple is torn by conflicting emotions. Jing and Mi are two women living in Taiwan who have been lovers for some time; Jin is a singer in a rock band who suffers from severe mood swings and has been suffering from a fractured relationship with her mother, while Mi is the more sedate and level-headed of the couple.
I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
Rawang, an immigrant from Bangladesh living in awful conditions, takes pity on a Chinese man, Hsiao-kang, who is beaten up and left in the street. Rawang lovingly nurses him on a mattress he found. When he is almost healed, Hsiao-kang meets the waitress Chyi. His love for Rawang is put to the test.
Do Over
Do Over follows five characters over twenty four hours on the last day of the year. As the interrelated stories proceed, the connections between the lives of the five characters begin to reveal themselves and their stories unravel. By depicting five different characters at emotional crossroads, Do Over examines the struggle of overcoming our greatest fears; the unknown of what lies ahead in the future, the fading value of our existence in the present, and most of all, irreversible mistakes made in the past that may catch up to us.
Sound Designer
Love of May
Ah Lei is the younger brother of Stone, a guitarist of Mayday. He is also the administrator of Mayday's fansite, in charge of replying to fan letters and emails. One day, he befriended a girl named Zhao Xuan through a chatroom. He told her that he's actually Ashin, the lead vocal of Mayday. She started writing letters to him, believing that he was Ashin. Finally, Xuan's peking opera group from school gets to leave Harbin and travel to Taiwan to perform. The two promised to meet in a library, but Ah Lei didn't have the courage to meet up with her. He decides to follow her around, but did not expect that she followed him back, and that she saw through his lies all along.
How High Is The Mountain
In this documentary, director Tang records his own son's birth and growing up, his father's recovering from a stroke and a nostalgic trip home to China. (In the 1940's his father evacuated with the Nationalist troops to Taiwan after it lost the Mainland to the Communist in the war. It wasn't until 1980's were people allowed to go home to visit in Mainland China). From his search for the earliest memory of life, with a close observation and sensitivity, he exams the parallels of the different lives of a different time. In his previous work, "HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN," director Tang ends it with the ultrasound image of his unborn child, representing the beginning of a new life. With this work, "HOW HIGH IS THE MOUNTAIN," it is rather a beginning of a series of questions about life and a continuation of examination of his own life and the longing of a perfect world.
What Time Is It There?
When a young street vendor with a grim home life meets a woman on her way to Paris, they forge an instant connection. He changes all the clocks in Taipei to French time, as he watches François Truffaut's Les 400 Coups; she has a strange encounter with its now-aging star, Jean-Pierre Leaud.
How Deep Is the Ocean
Taiwanese documentary about the life of Tao, a Lanyu tribesman and how the director's life and relationship has grown and changed.
Sound Recordist
「欲望の翼」「ブエノスアイレス」のウォン・カーウァイ監督がトニー・レオンとマギー・チャンを主演に迎え、それぞれ家庭を持つ男女の不倫の愛を描いた恋愛ドラマ。1962年、香港。新聞編集者の男性チャウと商社で秘書として働く女性チャンは、同じ日に同じアパートに引っ越してきて隣人になる。やがて2人は互いのパートナーが不倫関係にあることに気づき、時間を共有するように。戸惑いながらも、強く惹かれ合っていくチャウとチャンだったが……。設定の一部や世界観は「欲望の翼」から引き継がれており、さらに2004年製作の「2046」へとつながっていく。第53回カンヌ国際映画祭で最優秀男優賞とフランス映画高等技術委員会賞を受賞。日本では2001年に劇場公開。18年2月、カーウァイ監督の「欲望の翼」デジタルリマスター版の公開にあわせて、Bunkamuraル・シネマで特別上映。2022年には4Kレストア版が「WKW4K ウォン・カーウァイ4K」(22年8月19日~シネマート新宿、グランドシネマサンシャイン、シネマシティほか)で上映。
Tempting Heart
Sound Recordist
A female director decides to make a autobiographical film on her love life and we see it through the use of flashbacks and brilliant intercutting.
Such a life
'Such a Life' is quite a sad film. It is set in the sixties, in a village on the west coast of Taiwan, where many are succumbing to 'black foot', a disease caused by drinking contaminated well water. The only 'cure' is to amputate the afflicted limb, and to avoid drinking the contaminated water. Many in the village were already sick, and few could afford to have tap-water installed. At the center of the story is Ah Chung, who lives with his grandfather, who has already lost one leg to 'black foot'. In the same village also live an opera family, who are finding things increasingly difficult there, an oyster farmer, who complains that his oysters are being poisoned by a nearby pharmaceutical plant, and an assortment of children who enjoy swimming in the sea, and who bully Ah Chung. A significant portion of the action also takes place in the village school, where Ah Chung is having trouble keeping up with the fees.
Yours and Mine
This is a four-part anthology comedy. The themes of four parts are: car, house, body and friendship. The central characters are a plastic surgeon Chen, a nurse, an experienced maid, three energetic teenagers and a young couple. The stingy surgeon Chen treats a car and a man so differently that he could be a perfect example to show how treasonously modern people treat their cars and how indifferently they treat other people. The maid Ying is like a knight on her "iron horse" (a bicycle), fighting in the city. Every day she rushes home after work to wait up for a husband never returns. The new nurse has problem with her colleague because they support different idle. What she also doesn't know is the reason why her brother's girlfriend sends her free lunchbox so often. The truth is that her brother's girlfriend wants to get plastic surgery in the clinic. Almost everyone here is not satisfied with his/her body. Moreover, they try to change their body with quite violent ways.
A Drifting Life
After his wife dies during childbirth, Ku-cheng leaves his children behind in their rural village while he finds work on a construction site in the city. He develops a relationship with a widow but despite their intimacy, he refuses to remarry.