Ryûtarô Aoyagi


A princess seeks adventure and true love, with help from her loyal servant.
大江戸評判記 美男の顔役
Beggar C
A group of men living a low life in Edo help each other to make the best out of their lives.
A family is brutally murdered in their own home and the official government's sake dealer is framed as a rebel by a corrupt member of the Shogun's Council of Elders. Young Lord decides to take on the Shogun's vile chief attendant.
A stage director who directs a “Mori no Ishimatsu” play time travels and becomes “Mori no Ishimatsu” himself.
新吾十番勝負 第一部・第二部 総集版
Kunisada Chuji is a common folk hero who looks out for poor people in the country who are at the mercy of corrupt officials. Intent on fulfilling a dying wish from one of his henchmen, Asataro, to find a decent home for his young nephew, Chuji descends from his hide-out in the mountain, and heads to the city in spite of numerous dangers that await him there.
This most celebrated all-star movie version of the popular series features Tsukigata Ryunosuke as Mito Komon, the sage who wanders the countryside rectifying government corruption along with his faithful attendants Suke and Kaku.
First part of the famous Dai-bosatsu toge trilogy, based on Kaizan Nakazato’s unfinished long series of novels (41 books, written from 1913 to 1941). Set in the last period of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Daibosatsu Toge tells the story of Tsuke Ryunosuke, a nihilistic swordmaster who doesnt hesitate to kill anyone, bad or good. Despite the authors explicit refusal, the series were later made into plays and movies several times.
Horror film directed by Masamitsu Igayama.
薄雪太夫より 怪談「千鳥ヶ淵」
Horror film directed by Eiichi Koishi.
赤穂浪士 天の巻・地の巻
Gempachi Kondô
Kuroda sodo
This adaptation of a Hideji Hojo novel, about the historical uprising of the Kuroda clan in 1633, is told through the eyes of retainer, Daizen. As his clan’s new leader, Tadayuki, becomes increasingly militant in his opposition to the Tokugawa shogunate, Daizen is forced to reconcile his loyalty to the clan with his loyalty to Tadayuki, who seems dead set on entangling the clan in destructive conflict. The Kuroda Affair’s mise-en-scène is said to have influenced future Toei director Eiichi Kudo. The film also features two of the greatest stars of Japanese period cinema, Chiezo Kataoka and Ryutaro Otomo.
御存じ快傑黒頭巾 第二話 新選組追撃
The mysterious black hooded man, Kurozukin, helps transport funds raised to fight against the government.
酒のいさかいから主人を殺された槍(やり)持ち権八のあだ討ちを、旅芸人母子、小間物屋、大金を持った男と大泥棒など、東海道を旅するさまざまな人々の人生の縮図を通して描く傑作時代劇。 仲間稼業の権八は東海道を、若様酒匂小十郎の槍持ちをつとめて、供の源太と江戸へ向った。同じ道を旅する一行は、小間物商人の伝次、身売りにゆく田舎娘おたねと老爺の与茂作、あんまの藪の市、巡礼、旅芸人のおすみ母子、挙動不審の藤三郎という男、最後に権八の槍に見とれた浮浪児の次郎等である。折柄、街道には大泥棒風の六右衛門詮議の触れ書が廻っているが、権八はそれ所ではない。朗らかで気立てが優しいが、酒乱癖のある若様を守って旅を終るのが主命である。供の源太が酒好きなので気が気ではない。一行は袋井に一宿したが、藤三郎が大金を持っているのに目をつけた伝次は、さては大泥棒とつけ廻すが、隣室で藪の市に肩を揉ませている巡礼こそ大泥棒六右衛門なのである。その夜、おすみの使を受けて権八も悪い気がせず外へ出ると、その隙に小十郎は源太を連れて酒を飲み始めたが、駈けつけた権八に制せられ事なきを得た。また旅が始まったが、大井川の近くで何処かの馬鹿殿様が始めた野立ての為通行止になり、大井川を前に長逗留となった。隙を狙って六右衛門は馬鹿殿の路銀を盗んだが、うっかりして顔を見知られた次郎に発見され、来合わせた権八の槍に怖気が出て簡単に縛についた。与茂作が女衒久兵衛におたねを渡して帰ろうとすると藤三郎に引留められた。五年前預けた娘を引取る為、稼ぎ貯めた金を持って来たのだが、娘は亡くなっていたのだ。小十郎は、素朴な人々を見て武士の世界に嫌気がさし、又源太と居酒屋に入った。権八の駈けつけた時は遅く、小十郎と源太は酔いどれ武士の手に無惨な最期を遂げていた。数日後、骨箱を抱えて国元へ出立する権八がいた。
A group of five law enforcers search Edo for a missing sword.