Daniel Tzotchev

Daniel Tzotchev


Raging Sharks
Roosevelt Commander
An oceanic observation station is in desperate trouble after a sudden shark attack wrecked the oxygen supply. The accompanying ship, a coast guard cruiser, and other ships in and around the Bermuda triangle are attacked as well. The US Navy sends a submarine to investigate, but soon they too are under attack.
Shark Zone
A secret fortune in diamonds lies at the bottom of the ocean but the treasure is also home to a school of deadly Great White sharks. Only one man knows the truth when a group of divers is attacked while searching for the loot. Now, the sharks are hunting swimmers on a nearby beach. The slaughter will continue until someone believes him.
ディレイルド 暴走超特急
Death, Deceit & Destiny Aboard the Orient Express
Evil Waiter #2
Terrorists hold a group of people hostage during a Millenium Eve party aboard the Orient Express. Only an action movie star and a gymnast can save them.
High Adventure
Hood 3 (as Danirl Tzochev)
Chris, slick adventurous grandson of legendary adventurer Allan Quatermain, searches for the mythical treasure of Alexander the Great with the help of a pretty German girl, while eluding a dangerous greedy gangster.
Project: Human Weapon
Russian Captain
Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from the remote secret facility where he has been raised, and unleashed on an unsuspecting world...