Brian Wade

出生 : 1962-06-11, Los Angeles, California, USA


Saw X
Makeup Artist
Between the events of 'Saw' and 'Saw II', a sick and desperate John Kramer travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer, only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer returns to his work, turning the tables on the con artists in his signature visceral way through devious, deranged, and ingenious traps.
インシディアス 赤い扉
Special Effects Makeup Artist
『インシディアス 第2章』のおぞましい事件から10年。ダルトンは、大学へと進学し、学⽣⽣活を送っていたが、再び悪霊の影が迫り怪奇現象に襲われる。 ⼀家に取り憑く者たちを永遠に葬り去るべく、ダルトンとジョシュはこれまで以上に深く“向こう側”へと⼊り込むことに…。“赤い扉”の向こうには⼀家の暗い過去と新たな恐怖が待ち構えていた。
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A rebellious teenage boy, struggling with his parent's imminent divorce, encounters a terrifying evil after his next-door neighbor becomes possessed by an ancient witch that feasts on children.
Animatronics Designer
大学時代親友同士だったファランとラージューは、ある日同窓のチャトルから母校に呼び出される。チャトルは二人に、ランチョーというかつての学友の消息がつかめたことを話し、探しに行こうと持ちかけるのだった。 10年前、インド屈指の難関工科大学ICE(Imperial College of Engineering)。それぞれに家庭の期待を受けて入学してきたファランとラージュー、そして自由奔放な天才ランチョーの三人は寮でルームメイトとなる。何をするにも一緒の3人はしばしばバカ騒ぎをやらかし、学長や秀才だったチャトル等から"3 idiots"(三バカ)と呼ばれ目の敵にされていた。 物語は10年前の大学におけるエピソードと現代のランチョーを探す3人の旅を織り交ぜながら、やがてファラン達も知らなかった彼の秘密に迫っていく。
Solomon Kane
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A nomadic 16th century warrior, condemned to hell for his brutal past, seeks redemption by renouncing violence, but finds some things are worth burning for as he fights to free a young Puritan woman from the grip of evil.
The Pagan Queen
Makeup Effects
A controversial film about the end of the old pagan world in central Europe, THE PAGAN QUEEN is based on the Czech legend of Libuse, the Slavic queen of 8th century Bohemia. Gifted with supernatural powers, a visionary and a seer, this extraordinary woman was able to see the future and in a turbulent time of cultural change founded the modern city of Prague. Libuse ruled as a woman over the tribes of the region with her two beautiful sisters Kazi and Teta and an army of women under the command of her best friend, the Amazon Vlasta. When the peaceful community of farmers is under attack by raiders and split into different parties of power hungry landowners, Libuse is forced into marriage by her own people.
Alien Hunter
Special Effects Supervisor
Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.
Special Effects Supervisor
Using fossilized DNA, a scientist resurrects one of nature's most fearsome predators, a sabretooth tiger. Scientific ambition turns deadly, however, when the creature escapes and begins savagely stalking its prey - the human race.
The making of a horror movie takes on a terrifying reality for students at the most prestigious film school in the country. At Alpine University, someone is determined to win the best film award at any cost - even if it means eliminating the competition. No one is safe and everyone is a suspect.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
When Maggie's sister Jenna saddles her with an autistic newborn named Cody she touches Maggie's heart and becomes the daughter she has always longed for. But six years later Jenna suddenly re-enters her life and, with her mysterious new husband, Eric Stark, abducts Cody. Despite the fact that Maggie has no legal rights to Cody, FBI agent John Travis takes up her cause when he realizes that Cody shares the same birth date as several other recently murdered children.
Makeup Effects Designer
Alix Miller arrives at the isolated Crompton mansion in New Hampshire to paint the portrait of the mysterious Leland Crompton. When they meet, she discovers that he is horribly disfigured from a disease called acromegaly. Nevertheless, friendship, romance, and a deeper understanding develop between the two.
Makeup Effects Designer
Alix Miller arrives at the isolated Crompton mansion in New Hampshire to paint the portrait of the mysterious Leland Crompton. When they meet, she discovers that he is horribly disfigured from a disease called acromegaly. Nevertheless, friendship, romance, and a deeper understanding develop between the two.
Dolly Dearest
Special Effects Makeup Artist
An American family moves to Mexico to fabricate dolls, but their toy factory happens to be next to a Sanzian grave and the toys come into possession of an old, malicious spirit.
バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー PART3
Makeup Effects
ブロブ 宇宙からの不明物体
とある田舎町の森に火の玉が墜落する。目撃したホームレスの老人が好奇心から現場に向かうが、そこで粘液状の物体に腕を取りつかれてしまう。 そこへデート中のメグとポールが通りあわせ、老人を病院へ運ぶが、老人は物体に喰い尽くされ、ポールも犠牲となる。目撃したメグは一部始終を訴えるが信じて貰えず、保安官は町の不良少年ブライアンの仕業だと疑う。
The Outing
Special Effects Makeup Artist
An ancient genie is released from a lamp when thieves ransack an old woman's house. They are killed and the lamp is moved to a museum to be studied. The curator's daughter is soon possessed by the genie and invites her friends to spend the night at the museum, along with some uninvited guests...
The Outing
Makeup Effects
An ancient genie is released from a lamp when thieves ransack an old woman's house. They are killed and the lamp is moved to a museum to be studied. The curator's daughter is soon possessed by the genie and invites her friends to spend the night at the museum, along with some uninvited guests...
Radioactive Dreams
Makeup Effects
After an atomic war Phillip Hammer and Marlowe Chandler have spent 15 years on their own in an bunker, stuffed with junk from the 40s and old detective novels. Now, 19 years old, they leave their shelter to find a world full of mutants, freaks and cannibals. They become famous detectives in the struggle for the two keys that could fire the last nuclear weapon.
13日の金曜日 PART6/ジェイソンは生きていた!
Ambulance Attendant (uncredited)
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that Jason Voorhees isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Makeup Effects
アメリカのとある街、深夜突如奇怪な放電と共に屈強な肉体をもった男が現れる。同じくして放電の中からもう一人の男カイル・リースが現れる。屈強な肉体を持った男はモラルや常識もない。あるのはただ1つの目的アメリカ人女性サラ・コナーという名の人物の殺害だった。電話帳名簿から「サラ・コナー」の名を持つ女性をかたっぱしから銃殺していく男。その頃カイルは目的のサラ・コナーと接触し間一髪で彼女を救う。カイルはサラに、サラを狙っているのは近未来から送られた人類殺戮ロボット「ターミネーター」であり、未来ではロボットの反乱による機械対人類の最終戦争が起こっている事、そしてサラは人類軍の希望のリーダー ジョン・コナーの母親である事を告げる。 サラを連れカイルはターミネーターからの逃亡を開始する。
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Wishman is a genetic experiment condemned to spend its life in the lab. Two employees decide it deserves freedom, so they escape with it.
Makeup Effects Designer
After years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, serial killer Norman Bates is finally released. Deciding to move back into his long-dead mother's infamous old house, he soon finds himself tormented by 'her' demands and begins to question his own sanity.
Galaxy of Terror
As a lone spaceship proceeds on its long voyage across space, the crew are surprised to encounter a strange pyramid form. Surprise turns to horror as one by one, they discover that their darkest nightmares are all starting to become real. The pyramid has to be behind it all somehow, but how can they save themselves from its influence?