Harry Benham

Harry Benham

出生 : 1884-02-26, Valparaiso, Indiana, USA

死亡 : 1969-07-17


From Wikipedia Harry Benham (February 26, 1884 – July 17, 1969) was an American silent film actor. Born in Valparaiso, Indiana, as a child Benham and his family moved to Chicago, where he was raised and attended school. Benham had a talent for singing and sang in his local church choir. In 1904, the production Peggy From Paris came to Chicago and, at age 20, Benham became a member of the chorus while earning a living in the wholesale paper business. Benham was soon selected to play the leading role in the production and remained in that role throughout the production's three-year run. He was subsequently able to garner more roles in other plays, such as The Sultan of Sulu, Woodland, Marrying Mary, The Gay Musician, H.M.S. Pinafore, Florodora, The Mayoress, and Madame Sherry. In 1910 Benham joined the Thanhouser Company in New Rochelle, New York, for whom he played the leading role in many of the company's films through 1915. He married actress Ethyle Cooke, and together they had two children, Dorothy and Leland, who also became prominent Thanhouser personalities. Benham died on July 17, 1969 in Sarasota, Florida, aged 85.


Harry Benham


Your Best Friend
Robert Meyers
A Jewish mother in New York finds herself at odds with her son's new wife, a pretty Gentile girl.
Polly with a Past
Clay Cullum
Polly Shannon takes a job as a maid to earn money to go to Paris and study opera. She becomes embroiled in a scheme by her two employers to help their friend in the love of a woman who does not fancy him: She will pretend to be interested in their friend instead. The film has been lost.
The Love Craze
A Florence Lawrence short film directed by Winthrop Kelley
Cecilia of the Pink Roses
Harry Twombly
Cecilia is a spunky Irish girl from a struggling family, faced with the imminent death of her mother.
The Last of the Carnabys
Johnn Rand
The affluent Carnabys have now dwindled in fortune and family, leaving just Lucy and her brother, Gordon in financial straits. Situations escalate as they struggle to pay their bills and deal with Gordon's gambling debts.
The Warfare of the Flesh
Frank Gregory
Melodrama in which the rich arrogant George gives money to poor Frank and Jane, so he may spend a night with Jane. Jane goes along with it because she need the money to save her sick husband.
The Dancer's Peril
Richard Moraino
The Grand Duke Alexis has been happy with his wife, Lola, formerly the queen of the St. Petersburg ballet, and their baby daughter, Vasta. But the lowering cloud that has always hung over them through the refusal of the Russian Court to recognize their marriage breaks when the Duke learns there is an intrigue against his wife's life.
The Mischief Maker
Al Tourney
Effie Marchand refuses to marry a man she has never met, but who has been picked out by her mother, is exiled to boarding school Then, when sculpting teacher Jules Gerard asks her to pose for him, an always impulsive Effie quickly consents. During one of the modeling sessions, however, Jules tries to seduce her, and Effie is saved only when Al Tournay, a visitor to the studio, fights off the sculptor. Later, when Jules' latest nude statue looks just like Effie, who really only posed for the head, an outraged principal expels her. Effie then begins a romance with Al, and when they get married, Effie's mother takes the wedding as just one more sign of her daughter's impulsiveness. Mrs. Marchand soon finds out, however, that her new son-in-law is the man she had chosen for Effie long before, and so mother and daughter are quickly reconciled.
The Path of Happiness
Sick of life in the city after his fiancée deserts him, Merrill Day goes to the country for a rest with his sister and niece. There he meets Joan, who has lived in the hills for her whole life, and they quickly begin a romance. Grekko, however, a hunchback who has loved Joan for years, convinces her that Merrill's sister is really Merrill's wife.
Madam Blanche, Beauty Doctor
Bob / Madam Blanche
A good example of the clever light comedy Thanhouser produced for its Falstaff label, while other studios cranked out broad slapstick comedies. Harry Benham and Mignon Anderson were versatile and popular Thanhouser stars, here showing considerable skill in light comedy, a genre that invites plenty of satirical social observation such as the burgeoning beauty-salon industry here. Cinema technique shows much more intricate editing and freer use of closeups than just a year or two earlier.
Daughter of Kings
J. Courtleigh Brice
J. Courtleigh Brice, son of a self-made father, lives abroad where he does little except spend the money his father has left and lament the fact that he is not of noble birth. Some business connected with his estate brings him back to America. On the wharf he is buttonholed by reporters, who put him down as one who finds American women "loud," and quote his declaration that he will marry no one except a titled gentlewoman.
The Heart of the Princess Marsari
Paul Leighton - an Artist
The girl's father is Gunga Ras, a Hindu student of the occult. The girl's uncle is found dead and the lover blamed, but she personally investigates the crime. The father is suspected, but it develops that the death was really caused by use of liquid air in the hands of another
John Storm
Zudora, not knowing she's an heiress to a $20 million fortune, lives with her uncle, a mystic and detective, who covets her inheritance. She wants to marry John Storm but her uncle is against it. However, the uncle makes a bargain; if Zudora can solve the next twenty mysteries brought to him, she can marry as she chooses. Episodes 1,2 and 8, plus another unidentified chapter, survive. The rest is believed to be lost.
Pamela Congreve
A sileny film drama directed by Eugene Moore.
A Woman's Loyalty
The greenhouse proprietor did not take any heart in his work, for he firmly believed he was destined to be a great painter. The result was he neglected business for his easel and customers gradually fell off until the inevitable happened, he went into bankruptcy. His wife, who had faith in her husband's ability with the brush and a deep and abiding love for him, supported the household by her skill as a dressmaker. One day, unexpected good fortune came to the couple, a distant relative of the wife's died and left her $1,000 in his will. The woman made all sorts of plans, but finally decided that she would pay off the mortgage on their little home. Then she noticed for the first time that her husband had left the room, and following him she demanded to know what was wrong. At first he would not tell her, but he finally explained that he wanted the money himself, for it would pay for the art course in Paris.
A French woman has to marry a Russian to preserve the reputation of her society mother. However she is in love with someone else.
The Girl of the Cabaret
May's Husband
A young girl, who had talent as a violinist, came to New York determined to win fame on the concert stage. She found the field overcrowded, but accepted an engagement as violin soloist in a cabaret restaurant. She was pretty and her playing pleased the patrons of the place. One evening a roughly dressed man came into the restaurant. His attire was in sharp contrast to the foppish men in evening dress who were languidly eating their meals. When the young violinist made her appearance the countryman showed by his manner that she had made a deep impression upon him.
King Rene’s Daughter
Tristan, Count de Vaudemont
This elaborate and well-staged silent version of Hertz' play is exceedingly well produced for 1913: it starts off by introducing the actors by name and role, then showing them in double exposure in street clothes and in costumes. The production values are also elaborate and the look of the set designs reminds one of the elaborate backdrops that Melies used in his shots.
The Head of the Ribbon Counter
Clarence, the Ribbon Clerk
The head of the ribbon counter was the most popular clerk in the store. Customers liked him, employees admired him and even "the boss" regarded him highly. Rival merchants vainly tried to win him away, but he refused all their offers, being thoroughly happy where he was. There came a day, however, when he found the need of friendship.
Just a Shabby Doll
The Husband
A romantic story utilizing flashback sequences, featuring Harry Benham, Mignon Anderson and Helen Badgley (http://thanhouser.org/).
Sherlock Holmes Solves the Sign of the Four
Sherlock Holmes
An adaptation of the Arthur Conan Doyle novel starring Sherlock Holmes.
His Uncle's Wives
A painter in New York City discovers that he has inherited a harem. Since he's already married and his wife would definitely not approve, he must find a way to rid himself of his inheritance.
Star of Bethlehem
Angel Gabriel
Following a bright wandering star, three magi from the East travel to Bethlehem of Judea to meet a very special newborn baby. Meanwhile, King Herod, driven by a hideous prophecy, orders him to be found and murdered.
The Repeater
Jack, the Repeater
The story's hero, a reformer in politics, has been accused and convicted of "padding the registration lists," but on procured evidence and on a frame-up, made by the ring leader's heeler, William Russell. He is sent to prison and the story works out to his coming home, a cleared and rehabilitated man, on Christmas Eve.
Brains vs. Brawn
Brawn / The Young Athlete
Among the suitors of a wealthy widow was a middle aged scientist, and while the woman was glad to regard him as a friend, she did not see how she could ever accept him as a husband. The widow was a great lover of athletics, and one day dragged the professor to witness a meet. As they were about to return, an effort was made to rob the widow, and only because of the bravery of one of the young athletes, was the crook captured and the pocketbook recovered. In a few days it dawned upon the professor that while he might be a big potato in the field of science, he was only a small lemon in the garden of love.
A Romance of the U.S.N.
The Sailor
A foolish quarrel with his sweetheart and a desire for adventure caused a young man to enlist in the United States Navy. Soon after his departure his fiancée learned that she had treated him unjustly, but was unable to get any trace of him.
In a Garden
The Quarrel Maker
Over the years, an old gardener observes a romance develop between a young boy and girl. 20 years after they break up over a misunderstanding, the old man is instrumental in bringing them back together again.
The Warning
The Father
Happy in the love of his devoted wife and their child, a young businessman found life's pathway pleasant. Then the greatest of sorrows came; his wife died and he was plunged into gloom.
Letters of a Lifetime
The Brother
The wealthy old bachelor returned to his home after a visit to his club, and found waiting him news that his time on earth was pitifully brief. He had money to pay for the best of medical attention, but doctors could not save him. For the first time it struck the old millionaire that no man or woman would care whether he lived or died. Essentially selfish, he had never made friends.
The Voice of Conscience
Two girls fall in love with the same man. Out motoring one day they are thrown from the machine and carried to the hospital. One of the girls poisons the other. The story swings into a very pleasant finish.
The Portrait of Lady Anne
Lady Anne's Suitor in 1912
The ghost of a selfish, inconsiderate woman must make up for her past transgressions by making sure that her descendant marries the man who is right for her.
Under Two Flags
Drama of life in the foreign legion of Africa
Her Secret
The Loyal Sister's Husband
The husband was stern, solemn and never could understand why anyone should laugh. The wife didn't have much sense, perhaps, but she was full of life and laughter. Why they should have married was a mystery; that there should have come a matrimonial shipwreck was hardly a surprise.
The Fiancé
Age old tale of a couple marooned.
Dora Thorne
Lord Rowland
A young lord elopes with an employee's daughter. The visit of a lady to her home causes the young wife to leave her husband. Years later the peer succeeds to his family estates. Approaching his wife for forgiveness, his entreaties are of no avail. He meets his daughter on the cliffs, and she by accident falls and is killed. The sight of the dead body causes the wife to seek the protection and consolation of her husband
Nicholas Nickleby
Nicolas Nickleby
With The Old Curiosity Shop and David Copperfield, both released in 1911, and Nicholas Nickleby in 1912, Thanhouser established itself as producer of the best Dickens adaptations in American film.
East Lynne
Based on the novel of the same name by Mrs. Henry Wood (Ellen Wood).
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde (some scenes) (uncredited)
Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
She was the first attempt in film to depict the story of H. Rider Haggard's 1886 novel She: A History of Adventure.
Elaborately produced version of the well known George O. Nichols fairy tale interrupted by just a few summarizing intertitles, with Florence LaBadie and Harry Benham.
The Tomboy
The Guardian
A wealthy miner, having no near relatives, leaves his two little daughters to the guardianship of a former chum of his, who had left the west with a fortune and returned to his old home in an eastern city. The guardian is rather overwhelmed by his responsibilities, but induces his old aunt to come and keep house for him, and prepares to give his charges a hearty welcome. The guardian is a young man, and is surprised to find that one of his wards is of marriageable age, beautiful and vivacious. He promptly proceeds to lose his heart to her, and while she admires him immensely the girl is finally thoroughly impressed with the idea that her guardian would gladly be rid of her. T
The Lady from the Sea
Ellida was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper, and spent many hours near the water's edge. While she was still scarcely more than a child, one of these ships put in for repairs at a fishing village near the lighthouse, and its second officer, while on a day's outing to kill time, visited the lighthouse. He there met Ellida, whose youth and beauty he admired. While his ship was still undergoing repairs, the second officer quarreled with his captain, and a fight ensued in which the captain was killed. The guilty man escaped from the ship, and making his way to the lighthouse, forced Ellida to assist in his flight.
The Missing Heir
The Policeman
A lawyer is given the execution of a will, which bequeaths to the child of a disinherited son a large fortune. The disinherited son is now dead. The father, on his deathbed is penitent. By way of making amends he leaves to his son's offspring, his entire fortune. He is ignorant of his grandchild's fate, but provides that a thorough search should be made.
Their Burglar
In the course of a fashionable reception at her home, a young girl quarrels with her suitor. Piqued by a fancied wrong, the girl with complaisance accepts the proposal of a foreign nobleman and determines to forget The Man forever. As time progresses and the day set for her wedding to the sallow baron approaches, she is obsessed by a feeling of discontent and a yearning for her former lover.
David Copperfield
Thanhouser Company three-reel silent film based on Charles Dickens’s story of an English lad's tribulation-filled journey to adulthood, Thanhouser released the three films over the course of three weeks beginning on October 17, 1911, one 1,000 foot reel per week.
One Flag at Last
A Southern girl helps an escaped Union soldier in the midst of the Civil War.
Get Rich Quick
Undetermined Role
An investment plan that tells potential investors they can "get rich quickly" turns out to be a swindle, and investors are in danger of losing all their money.
The Mummy
An electric current accidentally brings a female mummy back to life with decidedly romantic inclinations, much to the surprise of a young Egyptologist and his less than understanding fiancée. This film is presumed lost.
The Old Curiosity Shop
A kindly shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with no way to pay his debts, he and his granddaughter flee.