Harue Tone

Harue Tone

出生 : 1924-11-15, Tokyo, Japan

死亡 : 2005-04-27


Harue Tone


A documentary about the lives of actors in the Sakura-tai theatrical troupe, which had arrived in the island of Hiroshima to begin preparations for the staging of a play just before the atomic bombing.
男はつらいよ 寅次郎忘れな草
「男はつらいよ」シリーズ第11作。 初夏の北海道網走に出向いていた寅次郎は、そこでドサ回りの三流歌手リリー松岡(松岡清子)と出会う。何かにつけて悪態をつく男勝りのリリーに寅次郎も最初のうちは手を焼いた。が、やがてそれが虚勢だと気づいた寅次郎は、自分の身の上とリリーの育った環境が良く似ていることから同情心を抱く。リリーも心に傷を負った寅次郎の話を聞くうちに、寅次郎を兄のように慕うようになった。しかし、寅次郎の同情心はやがて抑えがたいほどの恋心へと変化していくのであった。
日本暴力団 組長と刺客
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.
Part 7 in the Gambling Den series. This time Koji Tsuruta is a gambler who feels sympathetic towards a woman whose naive husband is driven to a debt trap by a rotten gambling den owner (Tatsuo Endo) and his dishonest card dealer (Isamu Nagato). The plot is standard stuff and features too much talk, but there's also a decent balance between melodrama and lyricism in the form and storytelling. Tsuruta was a perfect fit for these kind of roles, with the stoic and emotional sides nicely mixed in his screen persona.
コント55号 人類の大弱点
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
日本女侠伝  侠客芸者
Popular geisha Shinji (Fuji Junko) must defy a gang who plot to steal a lucrative coal business from struggling miners during the turbulent Meiji Era. With a stellar all-star cast, thrilling story and Takakura Ken's violent swordplay, makes this into a classic Yakuza movie!
侠客三国志 佐渡ヶ島の決斗
Tatsuko Fukai
A story of Minako who struggles finding love and peace in life. When Minako’s hope for ultimate happiness, marriage to her beloved fiancé, comes to a sudden halt, Minako finds herself in search of new love which in turn leads her into a complicated love triangle.
Michi's mother
A leading postwar Japanese film critic and theorist who co-founded the seminal film magazine Eiga Hihyo (Film Criticism) in 1957, Eizo Yamagiwa made his directorial debut with this independent feature—long thought lost until a negative was recently discovered—about a group of idle bourgeois students known as the “Roppongi Tribe” (Roppongi zoku). Depicting the resignation and nihilism of the postwar generation in the years following the Anpo Treaty conflicts through a coming-of-age narrative, Yamagiwa offers sharp criticism of the prevalent characterizations of Japan's new youth offered by Nikkatsu's taiyozoku (“Sun Tribe”) films and the New Wave at large.
Based on the mystery novel of the same name by Seichō Matsumoto.
Nakagawa's wife
Detective Morgan and the Japanese police cooperate to unveil the truth of the mysterious death of Morgan’s friend in Arizona.
Kikuno (voice)
After their father quarrels with local military men, Anju and Zushio are forced to flee, but they are captured and sold into slavery. When their mother dies, they are sold to Sansho the Bailiff, a cruel man who subjects them to hideous torments. While Anju falls into a lake and is transformed into a swan, Zushio escapes and after being adopted to a nobleman grows to a young man. He will then fight to defeat the evil Dayu and free all the slaves.
A poignant story about a young couple, Setsu and Chozo, who are torn apart to save Setsu's father's restaurant.
妖刀物語 花の吉原百人斬り
A successful textile industrialist from the provinces, who is beloved by his employees for his kindness, cannot find a wife because of a disfiguring birthmark on his face. Even the courtesans in Yoshiwara refuse to entertain him, until an indentured peasant prostitute, Tamarazu, takes the unsavoury assignment and treats him with brash tenderness.
Popular geisha Koharu suspects that Yusaku, a handsome stranger she falls in love with, is involved in a robbery of precious diamond.
警視庁物語 血液型の秘密
Yasuko's Mother-in-Law
On a quiet spring day in the suburbs, a stray dog found the corpse of a baby. Three days after his death, the blood group of the victim was determined. Detectives Hayashi, Kaneko, Nagata and Yamagata begin their investigation, suspecting the parents of the murdered child. They use a towel, baby diapers and bruises on the baby's body as clues in the investigation. Who killed the baby?
Young geisha Kohana scrambles to realize her dream of bringing back her grandmother’s restaurant business.
Woman private eye Emiko goes undercover to reveal the truth of a murder case.
A lifetime story of a woman who stubbornly lives in a poor mountain village in post-war Japan.
Toki Iwamoto
Natsuko Shimura
山間の小駅。この駅の灯だけが、真暗闇に侘しく光っていた。ホームには、水害で不通になった列車が立往生。午前二時を指す時計の掛かった駅の待合室には、傲慢そうな重役夫妻、セールスマン、男女学生、オンリーさんの夏子、老夫婦、小粋な三十女と愛人、家出した田舎娘など足止めをくった乗客でごった返していた。この騒ぎから取り残されたように静かに佇む乳呑み児を抱いた時枝の側には、一本の手錠でつながれた刑事と殺人犯・森が立っていた。一同はバスで次の駅まで出ることになったが、いよいよ出発という時「銀行を襲撃して現金二千万円を奪った二人組のギャングが、この方面に立ち廻った形跡がある」という悪い知らせが入った。 動揺した乗客は次々とバスを降り、十四名を乗せたボロボロのバスが暗夜の中を出発した。ギャングと山崩れの恐怖に怯える夜が明けると、一同には明るさが戻ったが、時技と森だけは暗い表情を崩さなかった。行く手には、とうてい渡れそうもない朽ち果てた橋。しかしバリバリと音をたてながら、バスは危うくも橋を渡りきった。さらにバスが進むと、前方に青年が飛び出してきた。バスに乗り込んで来た二人連は、大きなボストンバックを提げていたー。
お転婆三人姉妹 踊る太陽
It’s been five years since her husband had passed away. Fuyuko lives in the quiet suburbs, in a small but loving home with her three beautiful daughters. Haruko, the eldest, is the lead vocalist in a band. Natsuko is the conscientious type, who spends her days in ballet classes beautifying herself. The youngest of the three, Akiko is a bookworm who found her niche in philosophy. Although the sisters may appear to have nothing in common, there is one thing they all agree on; "Mom needs a new husband".
Roppeita is big in size, clumsy and full of energy. When his grandfather orders him to move out to Tokyo to save a sinking milk delivery business a distant relative of his runs, he encounters the most strangest of clientele.
Japanese drama film.
Japanese drama film.
1956 Japanese film, originally released in three parts.
Based on the novel by Torahiko Tamiya.
Japanese drama film.
Nobuko is a widow who lives with her daughter-in-law Tamiko and her brother Junjiro. The family's gatekeeper, Komatsu, is attracted to Tamiko, but she is encouraged to marry a doctor and he is afraid to tell her his feelings.
Princess Tsuna
An early fantasy film starring Tomisaburô Wakayama.
Based on Philippines war experiences. Military doctor Leutenant Hanada deserts with a local girl. The officer in command orders Lieutenant Uji to shoot Hanada. Uji takes a sharpshooter called Takagi and tracks him. At first Uji cannot forgive Hanada but as Uji is isolated from the main force he too starts to think of desertion.
A movie that depicts the tragic fate of many Yokaren flight-academy pilots.
Gin, the ninja
Japanese film.
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.
Mari Yamate
Office worker comedy by Nobuo Nakagawa
Keiko Nasu
When a group of young geologists declares a mountainside marked for residential development unstable, they are met with scorn on two fronts. On one end, they must contend with the local villagers who balk at the prospect of relocation; on the other, they face the ambitions of the headstrong lumber baron, whose actions will only further destabilize the land. Their pleas for reason ignored, the scientists can do little but observe as nature runs its inevitable course.
右門捕物帖 緋鹿の子異変
Period film about the legendary detective Umon
Directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
Thriller drama by Kon Ichikawa
Japanese "kayo" film based on the song "Ieraishan" by Yoshiko Yamaguchi.