Michiko Ameku

Michiko Ameku

出生 : 1963-11-14,


Michiko Ameku


2年前、ホテル「プラトン東京」から、ここ「プラトン ロイヤルホテル八ヶ岳」に総支配人として着任した東堂克生(内藤剛志)。お客様に最高の時間と空間を提供するため、スタッフとともに日々奮闘している。コンシェルジュの北山修二(東根作寿英)は、宿泊客パスカル・アンリ(Frederick Benoliel)と静子(いしのようこ)夫妻の恩人探しに奮闘。若手パティシェ・須藤義之(田中俊介)の作るスウィーツは宿泊客に好評で、人気作家・中上冬樹(デビット伊東)はそれを目当てに滞在するほどだ。須藤は、松岡みのり(山下リオ)との結婚も決まっており、ブライダル担当の山下みなみ(あめくみちこ)は、同僚の結婚式の準備に張り切っている。
東京フレンズ The Movie
A virginal boy travels with three hookers to a small island to collect his estranged father's washed up and sun-bleached bones.
When a woman whose job is to professionally date men disappears suddenly, a TV crew who wanted to film a documentary about women like her begin searching for her. Coincidentally, a salary-man who saw the disappeared woman and wants to meet her again is found and joins the crew. Together they follow the clues. She has an amulet, which looks like a small bag, which she always hangs from her neck. It contains a piece of the Berlin wall.
Midori Nakanishi
Yoshinori sells plots of land in a cemetery, and is involved in a stale ten-year-old marriage with bored housewife Atsuko. When Atsuko makes a male friend at her leather-working class, Yoshinori has a fit. This is on top of the myriad of odd clients that he must appease.
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
Meet Chika. She thinks she's been jinxed: she's going to be dumped on Christmas Eve. Enter Tomako, who likes reading and making pudding. Although they're total opposites, by a twist of fate, they become best friends. However, it turns out they both want to spend Christmas Eve with the same guy. Will they choose friendship? Or love?