Chad Lindsey


Girls Will Be Girls
Dr. Perfect
Nothing stirs up the competitive spirit in haggard Hollywood has-been Evie Harris like having to share a house with a younger actress like Varla. Especially since Varla happens to be the daughter of Evie's now-deceased rival! But even as their saner roommate, Coco, attempts to keep the peace, Evie's jealousy over Varla's burgeoning infomercial career is about to explode... in the most spectacular, showstopping way possible!
Totally Sexy Loser
The course of a gay relationship on the cusp of its ending, as seen in retrospect by Jeremy a love addict who has become disenchanted with this his 45th relationship.
Jamie, an aspiring photographer and clumsy romantic, falls for his friend William, a pre-med student who's involved in a long-term relationship with an older man. Shared dance lessons and shared wine lead to shared beds. William wants Jamie but won't leave his partner. Confronting William and confronted by William's partner, Jamie begins to sort out the difference between being lonely and being alone