A man, who once lost his love, tries to find another. The only obstacle is within himself.
1935 Los Angeles, community leader Sei Fujii uncovers the corrupt activities of his community's underground mafia. He must choose between saving the face of his deteriorating community and confronting the issues head on through his newspaper. Based on a true story.
Filmmaker Gregory Hatanaka fashions a stunning film about love and excess. Robert is a writer who hasn't done much writing lately; instead, he's busy pushing the envelope with his toxic mix of boredom, drugs and a dalliance with a married woman, Elizabeth. In spite of Elizabeth's marital status, Robert falls for her completely -- a commitment that just may blow up in his face, along with the rest of his life.
First Assistant Editor
1993年、国際世論におされた米軍は民族紛争の続くソマリアへ派兵。内戦を終結させようと最大勢力ババルギディル族を率いて和平に反対するアイディード将軍の副官2名を捕らえるため、約100名の特殊部隊を首都モガディシュへ強襲させた。当初、作戦は1時間足らずで終了するはずだったが、作戦の開始直後にアイディード将軍派の民兵により2機のヘリコプターがロケットランチャーで撃墜されてしまう。 敵地の中心へ仲間たちの救出に向かう兵士らは泥沼の市街戦に突入していく。
First Assistant Editor
ボルチモアの大富豪メイスン・ヴァージャー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)は、刑務所から脱獄したハンニバル・レクター(アンソニー・ホプキンズ)の行方を追っていた。当時レクターと接触していたFBI特別捜査官クラリス・スターリング(ジュリアン・ムーア)は、リッチモンド (バージニア州)の麻薬捜査で多数の犠牲者を出したことで遺族から告訴されていた。政財界に絶大な影響力をもつメイスンは、マスコミの報道でクラリスの存在を知り、司法省のポール・クレンドラー(レイ・リオッタ)を利用し、クラリスをレクターの捜査に復帰させようと目論む。
First Assistant Editor
First Assistant Editor
A sexy, romantic comedy about modern couples coming together in funny and unexpected ways. Paul and Hannah discover that even after 40 years of marriage, they can still learn some very surprising things about each other. Meredith is a serious theatre director who isn't looking for a relationship... but has one looking for her in the person of the funny, persistent Trent. Then there's Joan and Keenan, young people searching for love in an L.A. club scene where the rules of dating seem to change every night.
Assistant Editor