Jerome Kingston


Help Yourself
British comedy directed by John Daumery ...
Stark Mad
An expedition sets out through the jungle to find a missing explorer, but stumbles upon an ancient Mayan temple that houses a giant ape.
Fancy Baggage
In order to get back some very important papers from her father's business rival, a young woman pretends to be the rival's new secretary. Complications ensue.
Caught in the Fog
Wealthy Bob visits his mother's Florida houseboat in order to remove her jewelry and stumbles upon a bobbed-hair bandit and her male accomplice, who mistake him for another burglar. A fight is broken up by the arrival of an elderly couple (still more burglars) who are posing as guests. Bob keeps his identity secret and passes himself off as the butler; the girl and her partner pretend to be the maid and the cook. A couple of idiotic detectives, arrive on the scene, closely followed by a heavy fog that traps them all on board.
Powder My Back
Rex Hale, a reform mayor, closes the musical comedy "Powder My Back" because he feels that it is immoral. Indignant, Fritzi Foy, star of the comedy, determines to revenge herself on Hale. Gaining entrance to his home by pretending to be injured in an automobile accident, Fritzi has Claude, her press agent, masquerade as a doctor and advise that she should not be disturbed until she has completely recovered. Hale is enraged, but his son, Jack, falls in love with Fritzi though he is already engaged to Ruth Stevens, an attractive flapper. When she sees that her plan has caused unhappiness for an innocent person, Fritzi dissuades Jack, who returns to his old sweetheart; she ends up with the mayor.