Carl Goetz

出生 : 1862-04-10, Vienna, Austria-Hungary (now Austria)

死亡 : 1932-08-15


Robot-Girl Nr. 1
The robber
An inventor, Bubi, creates a female android he calls "Wera." Unfortunately, a gang of robbers finds out about Wera, steals her, and uses her to commit a series of crimes in Prague. (
The Cruel Girlfriend
The Great Love
Ten years after the end of World War I, Austrian soldier Franz leaves Russia and returns to his village, where he is reunited with Frieda, a woman who believes he is her long-lost son. She seeks him out and greets him with such loving joy, that Franz doesn't have the heart to tell her the truth. He stays with her and when he gets to know his new girlfriend Annie, he begs her to hide his true identity from Annie. Annie, for her part, has seen through this charade already, but chooses to say nothing and to continue to care for Franz.
Shadows of the Underworld
sein Vater
Jules Cambon
The film focuses on the leadership of the Great Powers of Europe in the days leading up to the outbreak of the First World War.
The Flute Concert of Sans-Souci
Michael Gabriel Fredersdorf
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka Frederick the Great) of Prussia and his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
The Singing City
Der Nachtportier
A tourist guide in Naples is taken on by a Viennese woman impressed by his singing, and who regards him as her protege. This film was released as a German version and English Version known as "The City of Song". Brigitte Helm once portrays a beautiful femme fatale who displays her affection and lust for her tourist guide which is paralleled with the main bodied theme of the early romanticist songs played throughout.
Ehe in Not
Arnold Horn, a young idealistic chemist, discovers a compound that can be used for the production of an effective deadly poisonous gas. Against his will the chemical factory starts production of the poison gas to increase the value of their shares.
Trust der Diebe
Bankier Greimann
Lulu is a young woman so beautiful and alluring that few can resist her siren charms. The men drawn into her web include respectable newspaper publisher Dr. Ludwig Schön, his musical producer son Alwa, circus performer Rodrigo Quast, and seedy old Schigolch. When Lulu's charms inevitably lead to tragedy, the downward spiral encompasses them all.
Mein Herz ist eine Jazzband
Little Nick
Sex in Chains
Strafgefangener #1 (as Karl Goetz)
A young man is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a term in prison. There he forms a close relationship with his cellmate. Upon his release his wife is concerned as to how prison has changed the man she married.
Infantrist Wamperls dreijähriges Pech
Die Pratermizzi
Herr von Z.
Der Bankkrach unter den Linden
Martin Schoeller
Stefan, Captain of the Guard
A period drama set in a Volhynian village.
Hotel Potemkin
A 35 mm access print is held by Filmarchiv Austria.
Driven from Home
Vater Steyer
A lost Murnau peasant-farm film.
Der Favorit der Königin
German film by Franz Seitz.
Dracula's Death
The film is about a woman who experiences frightening visions after visiting an insane asylum where one of the inmates claims to be Count Dracula (here following the Hungarian spelling Drakula). She has trouble determining whether the inmate's visions are real or merely nightmares.
Mozarts Leben, Lieben und Leiden
Schwarzer Mann
The happy and miserable life of Mozart has always of artistic interest for silent film directors. Such an example is "Mozarts Leben, Lieben Und Leiden" (1921) by Otto Kreisler (the first silent length feature depicting the loves and sufferings of the famous Salzburg composing genius).
Der Graf von Cagliostro
The Mandarin
In Vienna, the director of a sanatorium is telling writer Kristinus the story of a strange case. The very rich and dandy-esque Baron von Stroom had fallen in love with an actress but could not conquer her. One day he acquired a Chinese clay figure of a Mandarin, a talisman whose possessor is said to be able to seduce any woman he desires. As promised, all women's hearts fall to Baron von Stroom. The first is the actress, followed by the wife of the railway king, and then a Princess. Every time the Baron calls out “Man-da-riiiin”, the statue becomes alive ready to make another woman fall in love with his master. But von Stroom soon begins to feel nostalgic for the times when he would conquer the women he desired. However, his attempts to seduce women without the help of his ghostly servant become utterly unsuccessful. Unable to get rid of his devilish servant... Produced one year before The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Mandarin is a predecessor of German expressionism.
Tom Sawyer
Alfred Temple
Silent version of the Twain tale, filmed in Pleasanton, California. A Missouri boy (Jack Pickford) encounters his first love (Clara Horton) and bucks responsibilities to find adventure with his friend, Huck Finn (Robert Gordon).
Bogdan Stimoff
The Highway
Prison break. A murderer seeks refuge inside a barn.