Quigley Provost-Landrum


会社員として成功を収めていたジョン・クロウリーは、2人の子供が糖分を分解できないポンペ病と診断される。妻の協力を得て、ジョンはキャリアを捨て、型破りな専門家であるロバート・ストーンヒル博士とチームを組んでバイオテック企業を設立し、子供たちの命を救うための治療法を開発する。ストーンヒル博士は、自分が医学界の "黒い羊 "となった理論を証明しようと懸命に努力するが、思いがけない2人の間に強い絆が生まれていく。
Reggie's Prayer
Reggie White stars as Reggie Knox, a pro football player who retires, frustrated because he hasn't won a championship. Knox begins coaching a Portland, Ore., high school football program, where he befriends a troubled student. Reggie fights local ruffians with Christian values. And punches.
Without Evidence
Haggard Woman
It is based on the true story of Michael Francke, who was the Head of Corrections for the state of Oregon before being murdered. Just before his murder, Francke visits his brother and informs him of a drug ring involving his prison colleagues. When Michael is killed, his brother begins his own investigation into the murder, leading him to more lies and deceit.