Henry Milliner


Kill Command
Sound Recordist
テクノロジーへの依存が進んだ近未来を舞台に、海兵隊と戦闘用ロボット軍団が繰り広げる死闘を描いたイギリス製SFアクション。軍事訓練のため、とある孤島に降り立ったビュークス大尉率いる海兵隊員たち。しかしその島は、暴走した戦闘用ロボットたちによって支配されていた。ビュークス大尉らは生きて島から脱出するべく、充分な装備もないまま凶暴なロボットたちに立ち向かうが……。出演は「天使と悪魔」のデンマーク人俳優トゥーレ・リントハート、「エベレスト 3D」のバネッサ・カービー。新宿シネマカリテの特集企画「カリコレ2016/カリテ・ファンタスティック!シネマコレクション2016」(16年7月16日~8月19日)上映作品。
Kill Your Friends
Sound Recordist
In the late 1990s, a drug-addled nihilist resorts to murder to climb the ladder of the London music industry.
Sound Recordist
Inspired by the fictional Dr. Heiter, disturbed loner Martin dreams of creating a 12-person centipede and sets out to realize his sick fantasy.
Sound Recordist
A group of friends escaping the city for a weekend away have a simple plan, to tour the coast for a relaxing weekend. Things hit a snag when one of the friends spots a seductive, sultry young woman waving for help off the shore of one of many secluded islands along the coast. Reaching out to rescue her turns deadly and they risk everything to get off the island alive.
The 7th Dimension
Sound Recordist
Two young women arrive at a curious penthouse apartment, led by one's crush on her tutor. However, her love interest doesn't live alone. He's part of a trio of computer hackers about to embark on the ultimate job on the world's most mysterious mainframe. Whilst doing so, they unlock more than they bargain for with supernatural and ultimately fatal results. Can this seemingly insignificant chain of events, which have thrown this group together, be construed as fate? Can the beacon provide a signal of hope or is it a web of manipulation, paranoia and ultimately... murder?