Jiro Dan

Jiro Dan

出生 : 1949-01-30, Kyoto, Japan


Jiro Dan


遊星王子 2021
Planetary King
Despite the peace efforts of Soryukai supreme advisor Kano (Yudai Ishiyama), the war between the Soryukai and Sakata-gumi intensified. Due to the actions led by the president Takeshi Kanzaki (Kazumi Matsuda), the Soryukai is designated under the Violent Crime Control Law, and Osaka police officer Umezawa (Hoka Kinoshita) and others begin a raid on the house. Upon receiving the news, the Greater East Asia Federation also requested a response from the fourth Sakata-gumi. Meanwhile, Tatsuichi Kuroki (Dan Tokio), the retired leader of the Sakata III clan, suddenly collapsed and fell into a coma. Kanzaki, his own son, goes to see Kuroki...
ウルトラファイトオーブ 親子の力、おかりします!
Ultraman Jack (voice)
A ghost mage that can manipulate the soul of any monster appears, with the intent of ruling the universe. With a new enemy that can manipulate a monster's soul, Ultraman Orb and Ultraman Zero emerge to stand in his way. Orb will fight a ghostly villain with ghost monster army corps through various fusion ups including Lightning Attacker with the power of Ginga and X! Orb will fulfill new fusion ups while the mighty warriors of the lights appear to assist Ultraman Orb. Even with Ultraman Orb's new forms, will he be able to overcome the threat of Reibatos?
ラストレシピ 〜麒麟の舌の記憶〜
1930年代の満州で、天皇の料理番が考案した、幻のフルコース。 歴史に消えたレシピの謎を追うのは、どんな味でも再現できる、絶対味覚=麒麟の舌を持つ料理人。 最後の一皿に隠された、壮大な愛とは?
Takefumi Torii
One evening, a married couple comes to the Itami Law Office. Narumi Suzumura, six months pregnant, and her husband Takuya have come to ask Itami to take the case of Narumi's mother, Kimiko Torii, indicted for the murder of her second husband, company president Takefumi Torii. Kimiko married Takefumi 19 years ago, making him Narumi's stepfather. The couple are questioning whether Kimiko had the intent to kill...
Black Room
Mario, who works at a media company, secretly bears an affection for Seira, the fiancee of his co-worker Shindo. As his affection escalates, he takes voyeuristic photos, but this does not satisfy him. He kidnaps and holds Seira prisoner in a store room of his house.
Takaharu Amaya
人材派遣会社経営の久保田周がバットで撲殺される。現場には凶器と思われる金属バットと古いオモチャのようなものが落ちていた。京都府警本部長の高倉(大杉漣)から現場に出るよう命じられた宅間善人(草彅剛)ら特別捜査係の面々は捜査を開始。すると遺留品の古いオモチャが、10数年前に宅間が京都府警広報課に在籍していたときに作った『京都を守る正義のキョートマン7』というフィギュアだったこと、そして『キョートマン7』はそれぞれ違った職業のキャラクター7人で構成されており、今回の現場に置かれていたものは“検事”を表わすものだったことがわかる。奇しくも久保田は元京都地検の部長検事だった…!宅間は「これは俺が解くべき事件」と言い、これまでコンビを組んできた姉小路千波(南果歩)にコンビ解消を告げる。独自に捜査を始めた宅間は、警察官だった千波の夫・竹彦が殺された事件の現場に、警察官の制服を着た『キョートマン7』が遺されていたことを発見! 以前に“脚本家”と呼ばれる服役囚・佐神稚洋(上川隆也)が「12年前の姉小路さんのご主人の事件と、あなたが冤罪になった事件は繋がっています」と語っていたことが真実味を帯びてくるのだった…。宅間の行動を不審に思った千波は彼を問い詰め、その事実を聞き出す。「これからどんな危険なことがあるかわからないから姉小路さんを巻き込むわけにはいかなかった」という宅間を制し、松原唯子(芦名星)、堀川耕平(平岡祐太)ら特別捜査係のメンバーとともに12年前の事件についての捜査を開始。すると、現場に『キョートマン7』が遺された同様の事件が数件存在していたことが判明する!宅間が作ったフィギュアが関わる数々の事件に関連性はあるのか?あるならば、その犯人とは?わずかな手がかりから宅間たちは事件の真相に切迫。そして思いがけない人物にたどり着く…。さらに宅間の冤罪事件に関する衝撃事実も明らかに…。
農家の嫁 あなたに逢いたくて
映画 謎解きはディナーのあとで
Raymond Yo
Hyakunichi no Setsuna: Kindan no koi
A vampire, Brado, becomes responsible for taking care of a girl, Setsuna, in exchange for his life saved by the evil that created her. The evil tells him that if she doesn't have sex for a hundred days, she'll become a full-fledged vampire, and Brado will be able to gain complete control of her. However, if he breaks the promise, both of them will die, so he reluctantly takes on the care of her. While he sleeps, Setsuna begins going to nearby town and gradually learns how precious human lives are through her observations. When she meets a young priest in a church, her affection to humans becomes stronger-- and trouble begins to brew when Brado realizes that she is falling for the priest.
Hideki Gô / Ultraman Jack
ウルトラマンゼロ THE MOVIE 超決戦!ベリアル銀河帝国
Ultraman Jack (voice)
ウルトラマンベリアルとの戦いからしばらく経ったある日、突如光の国にベリアル軍のデルストが襲来し、そこから降り立った3体のダークロプスがゼロを襲うが、ウルトラマンゼロとウルトラセブンが力を合わせてこれを撃退。残骸を回収・分析したところ、光の国のある宇宙には存在しない物質で構成され、それから発せられる波動でマイナスエネルギーを別の宇宙へ送っていることが判明。ゼロはこれを作り出した者の正体を探る任務に単身志願する。 セブンから万能武器ウルトラゼロブレスレットを授けられたゼロは、仲間たちに見送られて未知の宇宙へ旅立つ。到着した先は、ゼロに倒されたはずのベリアルが銀河皇帝カイザーベリアルとして君臨するベリアル銀河帝国が暴虐の限りを尽くす、アナザースペース(異世界宇宙)だった。
高級住宅地にある大豪邸・堂島家。主人である堂島建設社長・新之助(団時朗)の65歳の誕生日を祝うため、親族が集まっていた。集まったのは、堂島家の長女・桐生苑子(奥貫薫)、苑子の夫で堂島建設社長秘書の直明(宇梶剛士)、堂島家次女・堂島貴和子(国分佐智子)、堂島家三女・堂島あかり(仲間由紀恵)、堂島家長男・堂島大輔(田中幸太朗)、大輔の婚約者・水谷香苗(上原美佐)、そして堂島家と家族ぐるみの付き合いのある加納拓真(山本耕史)、さらに家政婦の野村清美(西尾まり)と堂島邸でのパーティーでは毎回腕をふるう元コック・宮本茂(火野正平)がいた。 しかし、パーティー直前に新之助は、書斎の窓から飛び降りて死亡してしまう。津由木(小日向文世)や田神(伊阪達也)ら田園調布東署の刑事が捜査にあたり、親族や堂島邸のすぐそばに住む新之助付きの運転手・松浦(きたろう)などにも話を聞いた結果、新之助の死は自殺としていったん処理された。 そして初七日の法要に再び集まる親族一同。悲しみにくれる堂島家だったが、そこでも宮本、貴和子、松浦と、3人もが次々に謎の死を遂げ、連続殺人事件へと発展する。謎に包まれた事件の真相を究明するべく、刑事たちが本格的な捜査を開始。結果、意外な真犯人と悲しい真実が浮かび上がる・・・!!
ウルトラマンメビウス外伝 ゴーストリバース STAGE II -復活の皇帝
Ultraman Jack (voice)
Continuing where the previous story left, Mechazam proceeds to attack EX Zetton in a mad fury but almost perishes in the molten lava until Mebius saves him, despite being heavily injured by EX Zetton. Being thrown to the Battle Nizer, Mechazam tries to break the seal under Mebius' guidance to reverse the disruption field but the container was too strong...
ウルトラマンメビウス外伝 ゴーストリバース STAGE I -暗黒の墓場
Ultraman Jack (voice)
In the Land of Light, the Ultra Brothers receive the interrupted Ultra Sign sent by Hikari, which comes from the Monster Graveyard. Obtaining Zoffy's approval, Ace and Taro depart to investigate the matter while Mebius, on his routine patrol, is quickly notified by Zoffy to join the investigation.
Tsuruoka Itto, unmarried at 32 years old, just started a job as the janitor at an all-girls' high school, where he's found the girl he's sure he's going to marry, Asahimura Sayaka. When he hears a scream out behind the school one day, he finds Sayaka-chan fretting about a frog inside her clothes, a problem compounded by her frog allergy which soon causes her to faint. Neither the teacher on the scene nor Sayaka's friend will touch the exotic-looking pink frog for fear of poison, which leaves Itto to put his body on the line to save Sayaka-chan. When he finally manages to fish out the frog, it's latched onto a cut on his finger and sucking his blood. Itto in turn soon faints from blood loss, and when he wakes up, he's going to find himself a whole new man...
The story involves an aloof thief, a young man who turns to God after his father’s suicide, a manipulative marriage councilor, a man who recently lost his job, and several others whose lives become intertwined in various unexpected ways.
Based on Minoru Nagao's 1969 experimental book Illustrator: Basara ningen.
Hideki Go/Ultraman Jack (Voice)
横浜の街に、空想の中にしか存在しないはずの怪獣が現れ、街中を破壊し始めた!偶然出くわしたダイゴや街中の人々は動揺を隠せない。すると、これもまたテレビの世界にしか存在していないと思っていたウルトラマン(ウルトラマンメビウス)が現れる。ダイゴのアドバイスのおかげで怪獣を倒すことができたメビウス(ヒビノ ミライ)は、この世界に危機がせまっていることをダイゴに伝える。さらに、戦いには7人の勇者が必要だということを・・・。ミライと共に勇者を探し始めたダイゴだったが、見つける前に、メビウスがスーパーヒッポリト星人にブロンズ像に変えられてしまう。次々に襲い掛かる怪獣たちの脅威。希望を失いかけたダイゴだったが、自分に出来ることを貫こうという強い決意が、彼の眠っていた力を呼び覚ました!
Hideki Gô / Ultraman Jack
Dr. Yoshida Seiichiro
The lives of a young cop, a sanitation worker and a brooding pharmacist violently intersect on a bus that's hijacked by a suicidal political flunky, then cross paths again months later.
A depressed middle-aged man takes up surfing after he retires.
Commanding officer
Studying music at a remote island academy, poor Mayumi (Aki Hoshino) and her classmates fall victim once more to erotic tortures at the hands of their corrupting instructors. Just in time, Kekko Kamen (Misaki Mori) takes center stage with a red mask on her head, nunchakus in her hands, and a song in her heart!
金田一少年の事件簿 魔術列車殺人事件
Captain Takamori
When the head of the touring magician's group "Magical Fantasy" is murdered on a train while on his way to Hokkaido, young Kindaichi, who also just happens to be on board, is fast on the case to find the culprit. But just as quickly as the case unfolds, the body disappears only to be rediscovered again, along with other new bodies.
Zero WOMAN III 警視庁0課の女
A special agent of the Tokyo Police has been given the assignment of assassinating a group of crime bosses. Soon afterwards, she encounters the hitman the crime bosses have sent to kill her. After talking together, they discover that they are equally reluctant to carry out their assignments. They are pushed onward by their respective bosses, however, until they must both decide where their loyalties truly lie.
Zero WOMAN II 警視庁0課の女
A gang of young thieves try to rob a mob boss, but their heist is interrupted by an officer of the Tokyo Police Department's elite Zero Division. They get away with the loot, but the officer, a beautiful, more-than-slightly psychotic young woman who also happens to be an excellent shot, is tracking them down. To bring the case to a successful conclusion, she must deal with rival crime gangs, small- time crooks, and the wavering loyalties of her own partner.
けっこう仮面2 We’ll be back・・・
Violence Jack
Mayumi and the other students are suspected of cheating and put in the torture room, where a device is waiting on them. However, this is all a ruse to make Kekko Kamen appear!
Jinpachi Nezu who lost both his wife and daughter during a feud against the yakuza 10 years ago while he was an accountant for their organization. One day he comes across a young idol and rescues her from being kidnapped by the yakuza.
Man in White
An alien with super powers fallen from the sky is befriended by some people who help him stop an evil group out to get him.
帰ってきたウルトラマン 次郎くん怪獣にのる
Hideki Gô
A theatrical release of The Return of Ultraman as part of the Spring Toho Champion Festival along with other films like Godzilla vs. Gigan, The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee, Mirrorman, and Mock the Oak Tree.
帰ってきたウルトラマン 竜巻怪獣の恐怖
Hideki Gô
A theatrical release of The Return of Ultraman episodes 13-14. It was released on December 12, 1971 as part of the Toho Champion Festival along with Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Earth's Greatest Battle ( edited from Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster and shorter versions of The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee, and The Little Match Girl.
Hideki Go
Episodes 5 and 6 of Return of Ultraman show, screened at Toho Championship Festival.
わが命の唄 艶歌
Koji Aoyama
Film by director Kenji Misumi