Ritchie Coster

Ritchie Coster

出生 : 1967-07-01, London, England, UK


Ritchie Coster (born 1 July 1967) is an English actor. He is best known for playing the roles of Dietrich Banning in The Tuxedo (2002), the Chechen in The Dark Knight (2008), Elias Kassar in Blackhat (2015), Mayor Austin Chessani on the second season of the HBO anthology television series True Detective and Francisco Scaramucci / Mr. Blue on the SyFy television series Happy!.


Ritchie Coster
Ritchie Coster


When his young daughter's beloved companion — an android named Yang — malfunctions, Jake searches for a way to repair him. In the process, Jake discovers the life that has been passing in front of him, reconnecting with his wife and daughter across a distance he didn't know was there.
The Bygone
Beckett Summer
When a young rancher crosses paths with a Lakota girl from a nearby reservation, her mysterious disappearance sparks a search that uncovers a harrowing past and hints at a dire future.
Dean Bentham
A well-respected professor who is a celebrated novelist and loving husband loses himself when he becomes obsessed with an ambitious and talented student.
The Great & The Small
Twenty-six year old Scott is living on the streets and trying to find his way back into society while on probation for petty crimes. He attempts to navigate his relationship with his two bit criminal of a boss and an enigmatic detective, while at the same time winning back the heart of his ex-girlfriend, a working single mom. Never having a mother or father himself, Scott discovers the true meaning of fatherhood.
クリード  チャンプを継ぐ男
Pete Sporino
Elias Kassar
ラスト・ガン 地獄への銃弾
Tony Matazano
A rising Boston gangster (Ben Barnes) endangers those around him when he starts to make moves without the knowledge of his boss (Harvey Keitel).
Mr. Zoric
Pete Smalls Is Dead
Hal Lazar
Two old pals attend an old friends funeral and find there is more to his death than him being dead.
Dr. Jimmy Johnson
Twelve extremely talented men and women have been chosen to be part of the Phaeton mission, a 10-year trek to explore a distant planetary system. In order to endure the stress of being confined to their high-tech vessel, the crew passes the time using advanced virtual reality modules that allow them to take on various identities. But as the ship approaches a critical phase of their journey, a deadly flaw is discovered in the virtual system, forcing them to question if someone onboard might be a killer.
Joey Sadano
ザ・センチネル 陰謀の星条旗
The Handler
Pipe Dream
A lonely plumber poses as a movie director to meet women, and the writer whose script he's stolen builds on his ruse to get her movie made.
Dietrich Banning
News Stand Vendor
ニューヨーク市警察殺人課の刑事エディ・フレミングは、数々の大事件を解決し、その度にマスコミに登場し英雄扱いされる有名刑事である。ニュース番組「トップ・ストーリー」のアンカーマン、ロバート・ホーキンスも、そういう事件を報道して視聴率を稼いできたひとりである。 ある日、チェコ人とロシア人の2人組による凶悪な犯罪が起こる。エディは捜査に同行したいという若手消防署員ジョーディと共に事件を追うが、エディは2人に捕まり、殺害されてしまう。ロバートはエディの殺害シーンを撮影したビデオテープを2人から買い取り、自分の番組で放送するのだった。
億万長者で会社経営者のトーマス・クラウンは、実は美術品を専門にする泥棒でもあった。彼はある日、メトロポリタン美術館からモネの絵画(San Giorgio Maggiore at dusk)を盗み出す。調査のために保険会社から派遣されたキャサリンは、トーマス・クラウンが犯人であると推理し、その証拠を挙げるために彼に近づく。
Rear Window
Julian Thorpe
Jason Kemp is a quadriplegic who passes the time spying on his neighbors from his window. By chance he catches one of them, Julian Thorpe, beating his wife and reports it to the police. He becomes certain that Julian has killed her, but fails to convince his nurse or his friends of any foul play.
Rumble Through the Dark
Set in the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, where a former bare-knuckle fighter must win one last fight to pay off his debts to the local mob boss and save his childhood home—the stakes nothing less than life or death.