Mya Taylor

Mya Taylor

出生 : 1991-03-28, Houston, Texas, USA


Mya Taylor
Mya Taylor


High Tide
Lourenço decides to leave his homophobic family and country behind to get lost in the queer mecca of Provincetown, until the intense and unexpected romance with Maurice, who also feels lost in today's America, changes his life forever.
Merry F*cking Christmas: the making of Tangerine
A feature length documentary going behind-the-scenes on the making of the 2015 film Tangerine.
 サンフランシスコにある世界有数のLGBTQ+ コミュニティの拠点、カストロ・ストリート。 ある夜、ドラァグクイーンのショーを披露するゲイバー、パンドラ・ボックスでショーが行われる中、バーのオーナーでドラァグクイーンのリッキーは薬物の過剰摂取で倒れ、息を引き取る。 保守的なテキサスの田舎町でその報せを受けた彼の母メイベリンは、疎遠だった息子の死にショックを受け、夫の反対を押し切りサンフランシスコでの葬儀に参加。ところが、葬儀は華やかなミュージカル調で、敬虔なクリスチャンで教会の聖歌隊の一員でもある彼女には耐え難いものだった。 翌日、彼女はリッキーのパートナーでバーの共同経営者のネイサンを訪ねたものの、門前払いに。失意の彼女の前に、リッキーの親友のシングルマザー・シエナが現れ、彼女の計らいでネイサンとの間をとりもってもらう。すると、リッキーが遺言を遺さずに他界したため、バーの経営権は母親のメイベリンが相続することになっていたこと、そしてバーが破綻寸前の危機にあることが分かる。 彼女は困惑しながらも、シエナの家に居候しながら、息子の遺したゲイバーの経営を始めることに 。
Alexandra (archive footage)
An investigation of how Hollywood's fabled stories have deeply influenced how Americans feel about transgender people, and how transgender people have been taught to feel about themselves.
Associate Producer
A trans sex worker in the Spanish barrio finds herself in an unwanted love triangle with a notorious gang leader while two drug organizations battle for supremacy suddenly finds herself tangled in a world of chaos and deceit.
A trans sex worker in the Spanish barrio finds herself in an unwanted love triangle with a notorious gang leader while two drug organizations battle for supremacy suddenly finds herself tangled in a world of chaos and deceit.
Happy Birthday, Marsha!
Marsha P. Johnson
It's a hot summer day in June, 1969. Marsha throws herself a birthday party and dreams of performing at a club in town, but no one shows up. Sylvia, Marsha’s best friend, distraught from an unsuccessful introduction between her lover and her family, gets so stoned she forgets about the party. Marsha, Sylvia, and friends eventually meet at the Stonewall Inn to celebrate Marsha's birth. When the police arrive to raid the bar, Marsha and Sylvia are among the first to fight back.
Diane from the Moon
Shortly after a hurtful breakup, Diane, a transgender pagan priestess, finds refuge in Palm Springs. She is engaged in a battle with her inner demons when an enigmatic sociopath, starts to stalk her.
Take Flight
Self - Performer
2015's best actors lift off in a series of tributes to the ultimate Hollywood magic trick.
It's Christmas Eve in Tinseltown and Sin-Dee is back on the block. Upon hearing that her pimp boyfriend hasn't been faithful during the 28 days she was locked up, the working girl and her best friend, Alexandra, embark on a mission to get to the bottom of the scandalous rumor. Their rip-roaring odyssey leads them through various subcultures of Los Angeles, including an Armenian family dealing with their own repercussions of infidelity.
Raven and Her Sister
A young transgender woman, deeply troubled and in denial, returns home to impose upon her 'sister' who is actually her mother, at a very unfortunate time in their lives.
Viva Diva
Viva Diva is a road trip movie, centering on Rozene and Diva, as they make their way down to Guadalajara for gender reassignment surgery. Rozene stops in on her father to try to get answers about their fractured relationship, but drama stands in the way of her getting the closure that she seeks.