Vince Valitutti


劇場版 ドーラといっしょに大冒険
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不屈の男 アンブロークン
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Fatal Honeymoon
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Based on a true story, Fatal Honeymoon tells the shocking story and controversy surrounding a newlywed who tragically dies on her dream honeymoon and the subsequent investigation as to whether or not her husband was guilty of killing her.
ダブル 完全犯罪
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A charismatic, crazy hothead transforms a family's life when she becomes the nanny of five girls.
パラサイト・バイティング 食人草
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Americans Amy, Stacy, Jeff and Eric look for fun during a sunny holiday in Mexico, but they get much more than that after visiting an archaeological dig in the jungle.
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Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.
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A diplomatic couple adopts the son of the devil without knowing it. A remake of the classic horror film of the same name from 1976.
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A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.
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The strain of juggling her responsibilities as wife, mother, and successful paralegal have worn Emma Burke out. Thus it is that Emma welcomes the opportunity to briefly take leave of her Boston home and head for sunny Hawaii. It is not, however, a pleasure trip: Having promised to honor the dying wishes of her Hawaiian-born surrogate mother. Leaving her husband, Mike, behind to care for their two children, Emma arrives in Hawaii for the first time since childhood, where she is reunited with her childhood friend Kala, the handsome son of her late surrogate parent.
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1962年。イタリアから希望の国アメリカに向けて出港したアントニア・グラーザ号。贅の限りを尽くしたこの豪華客船は、航海中に突然その消息を絶った。それから40年後の現在。海難救助用のタグボート”アーティスティック・ウォリアー”のクルーたちは、謎の男からベーリング海に浮かぶ巨大漂流戦のサルベージ依頼を受ける。その船こそが40年前に消息を断ったゴーストシップ=アントニア・グラーザ号であることも知らずに……。一体この船で何が起きたのか? 乗船していた1,100人もの人間が忽然と姿を消したのはなぜか? 謎と恐怖が支配する、ゴーストシップへようこそ──。