Derek Wan Man-Kit


Long and Winding Road
Director of Photography
Two different men each find their true meanings in life. Leslie and Tony, two lower middle-class bachelors, are bosom friends. Leslie is a wandering soul who seems unable to settle down. He give got fired and his girlfriend left him. Tony is a frustrating musician and a part-time worker at an elderly home. He doesn't like old people, but works there only to get close to his dream girl WAI.
When Fortune Smiles
Director of Photography
The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize the fortune from his daughter Fei Fei. He hires a petty thief, nicknamed "Tricky Star" to court Fei Fei in an attempt to steal all the money. But it turns out that Fei Fei is a fake who works for the rich man's evil son.
The Fortune Code
Director of Photography
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
Chicken and Duck Talk
Director of Photography
A witty and thoroughly engaging send-up of both the fast food business and the cut-throat techniques often employed by conglomerates to crush independent competition.
Bless This House
Director of Photography
Building designer Bill Chang (Bill Tung) and his family move into a seemingly wonderful house after getting a promotion. However, they were not aware of the house's sinister past involving its previous owner - an abusive, handicapped actor who torched his home, killing him, his wife and two daughters. After the Chang family settled in, the actor's restless ghost wants to reclaim ownership of the house and the people that inhabit it.