Heather Norton


Time and the Mermaid
Director of Photography
The 64 year-old birthday girl sits captive to the ticking of an antique clock. Time opens; it flows as a mighty river, singing of life and freedom – her epiphany.
First Assistant "A" Camera
Peace, Love & Misunderstanding
First Assistant "A" Camera
A conservative lawyer named Diane takes her two teenage children Jake and Zoe to meet their estranged, hippie grandmother in Woodstock after her husband asks for a divorce.
First Assistant "A" Camera
First Assistant Camera
New Yorkers Paul and Meryl Morgan seem to have it all -- except that their marriage is crumbling around them. But their romantic woes are small compared to the trouble they find themselves in after witnessing a murder. To protect them from an assassin, federal agents whisk away Paul and Meryl to a small town in Wyoming, where their marriage will crash and burn, or their passion will reignite.
Camera Operator
Following a terrible car crash, a woman awakes to find an enigmatic mortician preparing her for burial.
First Assistant "A" Camera
First Assistant "A" Camera
When two brothers organize the robbery of their parents' jewelry store, the job goes horribly wrong, triggering a series of events that send them and their family hurtling towards a shattering climax.
First Assistant "A" Camera
Manhattanite Ashley is known to many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance encounter with a down-and-out young man, however, she realizes that she's swapped her fortune for his.
First Assistant Camera
 新人作家デイヴィッド・ベニオフの感動ミステリーを「ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング」のスパイク・リー監督が映像化したヒューマン・サスペンス。ベニオフ自ら脚本を担当。25時間後に懲役7年の刑で収監されることが決まっているひとりの男が、後悔と絶望感を抱え過ごす24時間の心の旅を情感を込め繊細に綴る。主演は「アメリカン・ヒストリーX」「ファイト・クラブ」のエドワード・ノートン。  ニューヨーク。かつて瀕死の状態から助けた犬と共に公園のベンチに佇む男モンティ・ブローガン。ドラッグ・ディーラーだった彼は、何者かの密告で麻薬捜査局に逮捕され、保釈中の身だった。そして、25時間後には7年の服役のために収監される。その中で彼のような“イイ男”が受ける仕打ちは火を見るより明らかだった。彼は、馴染みの店で最後の夜を明かそうと2人の親友、高校教師のジェイコブと株式ブローカーのフランクに声を掛ける。また、アパートでは恋人ナチュレルが待っていたが、モンティは彼女が密告者ではないかと疑っていた。やりきれない思いを抱えたまま、モンティのシャバでの最後の夜が始まろうとしていた。
Zack and Reba
Set Decoration
Two young adults who are coping with the deaths of their partners try to move forward with their lives and start a relationship with each other.
The Object of My Affection
Second Assistant Camera
A pregnant New York social worker begins to develop romantic feelings for her gay best friend, and decides she'd rather raise her child with him, much to the dismay of her overbearing boyfriend.
A Couch in New York
Second Assistant "A" Camera
Dr. Henry Harriston is a successful psychoanalyst in New York City. When he is near a nervous breakdown, he arranges to change his flat with Beatrice Saulnier from France for a while. Both don't know each other and both find themselves deeply involved into the social settings of the other, because the decision to change their flats is made overnight. Could be the perfect amusement, but suddenly Henry finds himself beaten up by Beatrice' lover and Beatrice is considered to be Dr. Harriston's substitute by his clients...
Italian Movie
Second Assistant Camera
Leonardo, a compulsive gambler, tries to make up for his losses by becoming a male escort.