In this wry comedy, the self-deceiving exploits of Lasse (Peter Hesse Overgaard), are shown, as he more or less innocently runs small cons on the people in his life, all the while sponging off of his girlfriend in a bohemian quarter of Copenhagen. He is a no-count, but fairly handsome young stud who imagines that he is some sort of art promoter, or is perhaps even a video artist himself.
Store Detective
Girls at Arms 2 is a 1976 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Berrit Kvorning.
Pastor's Wife
A comedy about girls joining the army in Denmark. Marianne joins to keep up a long family tradition as her brother won't. Both her brother and her boyfriend find her decision difficult to accept.
Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.
A girl inherits a string of industrial concerns that will become bankrupt by the inheritance tax unless the girl marries the son of the owner of a competing industrial concern.
The young headmaster of a boy's boarding school has decided that due to the virility of his young charges, they are a sort of national treasure. He believes that his school should become co-educational as soon as possible. In order to raise funds for the changeover, the boys stay behind during their summer vacation and temporarily convert the school into a love hotel.
Thomas, a naive young dental student, faces a rather difficult challenge. His millionaire aunt, a bit of a sex nut, will give both him and his dental school millions if he can prove that he is sexually able and skillful. His schoolmates hear rumors of this trial, but understand the challenge to be for him to keep his celibacy.
Ditlev's mor
Ung frue