Denise Tantucci

Denise Tantucci

出生 : 1997-03-14, Fano, Pesaro and Urbino, Italy


Before entering the entertainment world, Denise began studying theater with maestro Mauro Pierfederici in her hometown. At 15 she moved to Rome to study acting at the Yvonne D'Abbraccio Academy. She began her career in the role of Giusy in the fifth season of Play It Again (Play It Again), the teacher and part of Daphne in the ninth season of Don Matteo (Don Mateo). In August 2013 she was chosen to play the character of Giada Spanoi, an Albanian girl in search of parents who emigrated a long time ago, in Un Medico in Famiglia 9 (A Family Doctor 9) - (ninth season). In the series she falls in love with the son of the new doctor in the family, Tommaso "Tommy" Martini. At the same time she dedicated herself to singing and writing. In 2012 she released her first song: Dressed in Blood, in October 2013 she published her first book of poetry: Fantasticherie e congetture (Dreams and conjectures), published by Aletti Editore. In 2014 she wrote and produced her first show, Un Doppio Legame (A Double Link), which was staged in September. In the same year she joined the cast of the second season of Braccialetti Rossi and in the third of Fuoriclasse (Champion). In September she plays the movie Ma tu di che segno 6? (But you, what sign are you), Directed by Neri Parenti, released in theaters on December 11, 2014. In 2015 she continues her film experience, she joined the cast of the international film Ben-Hur, a remake of the famous Ben-Hur by William Wyler. She will reprise the role of Nina, also in the third season of Braccialetti Rossi.


Denise Tantucci


Leopardi & Co
A rom-com, where the love between the two young protagonists will blossom and grow on the streets of Recanati, accompanied and guided by the verses of the poet Giacomo Leopardi.
Deer Girl
Rachele laughs at the stranger with whom she chats online. And she leads us to discover the only feeling she knows – the poisonous bond which unites her parents. In public they seem tenderly in love, but behind closed doors, it’s all possession, fear, submission and pain. Rachele wants to be different, but can she really be so, when the only form of love she knows is violence?
I Nostri Ieri
Il principe di Roma
Beatrice Cenci
An adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol set in 1829 Rome.
My Brother and I
Sofia is the black sheep of her family. She is a 28-year-old gay girl who can’t help but cheat on her partner and struggles to find a stable job. She has left a little town in Calabria, her homeland in Southern Italy, to move to Milan, where she lives with her roommate Alessandro. Mauro is Sofia's brother. Reliable and loving, unlike Sofia with whom he has a troubled relationship, Mauro has never left Calabria and runs the family winery. Despite their opposite attitudes, Sofia and Mauro has one thing in common. Michela is Sofia's first and only love, but she is Mauro’s bride-to-be. When Sofia realizes that she is about to lose the woman of her life, she decides to go back home to Calabria and win back her true love. This unexpected return will break the delicate balance of Mauro and Sofia’s family and will force the two siblings to a showdown, when they will choose who they really want to be when they grow up. A story of rekindled loves, friendship, growth, and family.
「息子の部屋」でカンヌ国際映画祭パルムドール、「親愛なる日記」で同監督賞を受賞しているイタリアの名匠ナンニ・モレッティが、同じアパートに住む3つの家族の素顔が、ひとつの事故をきっかけに次第に露わになっていく様子をスリリングに描いた人間ドラマ。 ローマの高級住宅地にあるアパートに暮らす、3つの家族。それぞれが顔見知り程度で、各家庭の扉の向こう側にある本当の顔は知らない。ある夜、3階に住むジョバンニとドーラの裁判官夫婦の息子アンドレアの運転する車が建物に衝突し、ひとりの女性が亡くなる。同じ夜、2階に住む妊婦のモニカは陣痛が始まり、夫が出張中のためひとりで病院に向かう。1階のルーチョとサラの夫婦は、仕事場で起こったトラブルのため娘を朝まで向かいの老夫婦に預けるが、認知症の老夫と娘が一緒に行方不明になってしまう。 イスラエルの作家エシュコル・ネボの「Three floors up」が原作で、デビュー以来オリジナル作品を手がけてきたモレッティ監督にとっては初の原作ものとなった。出演はマルゲリータ・ブイ、リッカルド・スカマルチョ、アルバ・ロルバケルら。
Holiday on Mars
We are in 2030, and on vacation we go to Mars! Having made his wife and son Giulio lose his tracks for years, Fabio (Christian De Sica) is about to marry the wealthy Bea on Mars. But what could happen if during an excursion into space, something goes wrong and Giulio suddenly becomes a sprightly old man (Massimo Boldi)? Between hilarious unexpected events and amusing misunderstandings, Fabio will find himself dealing with a seventy-year-old son and a marriage that is in danger of jumping ...
Three sisters, Stella, Luce and Aria, live in an isolated house, immersed in the shadows, submitted by a violent and authoritarian father, a religious fanatic obsessed with the end of the world, who keeps them prisoners behind locks and closed windows, under the pretext that the Apocalypse has finally arrived.
Just out of high school, Lavinia, Carla and Danila leave for a yachting holiday. Accompanied only by a skipper, the three of them sail along the Croatian coast at the start of a new stage in their lives. Full of dreams, free and laid-back, they are unaware that sharing everything on the social media is about to transform their holiday into a brutal rite of passage to adulthood in which nothing, especially their friendship, will ever be the same again.
Ma tu di che segno 6?
Ilaria Fioretti
Five searches for love unfold in interconnected stories in which fathers, daughters and male suitors try to perfect love matches based on astrology.