Lita Vasquez


Bruce's Secret Kung Fu
What happens when people are out of ideas and product to sell at the film markets? They put together pieces of several kung-fu films with Bruce Le and call it Bruce's Last Battle! Bruce fights villain after villain as the ever-changing plot never stops in this non-stop madness! Shelved for years by 21st Century Distribution, madman Tom Ward has finally let it loose to make its home video debut!
Treasure of Bruce Le
In "Treasure of Bruce Le," a Samurai steals the Kung Fu secrets of the Shaolin Buddhists. Now Bruce must fight the powerful Samurai for control.
John & Marsha '77
John en Marsha movie.
Totoy Bato
The Enforcer and the Pussycats
Tony Ferrer action movie.
Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen
Ms. Sockie
The story is the usual mumbo jumbo about a hidden manuscript with secret techniques And Bruce has to fight a lot of enemies to find it, including a giant masseuse, a gang of midget hitmen and a samurai warrior.
Darna vs. The Planet Women
Crippled girl Narda finds her boyfriend paralyzed by a mysterious beam shot from a UFO. Together with her powers and brother Ding, she transforms into Darna and fights against alien women who are trying to make the Earth a colony of their own planet.
Diwang Kayumanggi: Prinsesang Mandirigma
Kung Fu Master