Wayne Morse


Casting Associate
1971年、若い夫婦と5人の娘のペロン一家は、ロードアイランド州ハリスヴィルの田舎にある、いささか古いが屋敷のように広い部屋を持つ一軒家を購入した。念願のマイホーム購入を喜ぶペロン一家であったが、入居した翌日から奇怪な現象が次々と発生するようになる。 ついに娘たちにもその危害が及ぶに至って、ペロン夫妻の妻キャロリンは、超常現象研究家夫妻として名高いウォーレン夫妻に助けを求める。夫のエドはカトリック教会が唯一公認した非聖職者の悪魔研究家であり、妻のロレインは透視能力を持っている。 ウォーレン夫妻の調査の結果、その一軒家には戦慄すべき血塗られた過去がある事が判明した。ウォーレン夫妻はペロン一家を救うべく尽力するが、霊力の強さと邪悪さはウォーレン夫妻の想像をはるかに超えるものであった。
Casting Associate
The stories of a missing wife, a couple of meth heads and an Elvis impersonator are connected by the items found in a small town's pawn shop.
Crazy on the Outside
Police Officer
A recently paroled ex-con who has trouble adjusting to the wacky normalcy of life outside of prison. He has spent the last three years behind bars after getting caught committing a crime and taking the rap for his much more dangerous pal.
I Could Never Be Your Woman
Casting Associate
This movie follows a mother who falls for a younger man while her daughter falls in love for the first time. Mother Nature messes with their fates.
Police Officer
A Catholic priest, Father Anthony Romano (Nick Chinlund), intervenes with the police when his colleague attacks a drifter named Lil (Georgina Cates). When Anthony reluctantly provides her asylum in his rectory, the brash hustler soon discovers a secret he has hidden from his diocese and parish. Through this unlikely muse, Anthony finds a path to regain his honor and calling in a post-scandal world where priests are guilty until proven innocent.
Three mischievous employees of a bank in a small deserted town all make plans to rob it at the same time, however none of them knows about the others.
It's the Rage
A rich cross-section of urban USA find their lives changed when their fates collide at gunpoint. At the centre of it all are Helen and Warren Harding, an up-scale couple on the brink of divorce, whose awakening in the night by a burglar sets off a catastrophic series of events.