First Assistant Director
中国・チンタオ。水族館で働く心誠(シンチョン / ジェット・リー)は、妻に先立たれ、21歳になる自閉症の息子大福(ターフー / ウェン・ジャン)を男手ひとつで大切に育ててきた。ある日心誠はガンで余命わずかと診断され、息子の将来を案じて心中を図る。だが、泳ぎの得意な大福が海面に顔を出したため、心誠は息子を預かってくれる施設さがしに奔走するとともに、大福に一人で生きていく術(すべ)を一つ一つ教えていく…。
First Assistant Director
In a summer holiday, a father (Mr. Kuk) with his children (Ku Fung and Little Kuk-Ku) has decided to open a noodle bar on a 2-month lease. He has great expectations for his noodle business. Kuk Fung quickly falls in love with Carlily (Kuk Fung's friend). Meanwhile, Little Kuk-ku has met a new friend, Wo who is working at the noodle bar. As the vacation is going, the nodle bar has to be closed. Mr Kuk's business performance didn't come up to his expectations, but it ends up with two puppy loves.
Assistant Director
A trilogy of stories about young love.
Assistant Director
Three Chinese women with vastly different backgrounds get acquainted and become friends amid the social desolation of New York.
Script Supervisor
Sammo and George Lam are partners in crime and they scam some triad big shot out of a load of money and decide to retire. Three years later they both receive letters from Stanley Fung, in which he informs them that he has proof of all their criminal activity and unless they do exactly what he says–he will turn it over to the cops. Fung is an ex-cop himself and is trying to get the goods on the same triad leader that Sammo and George scammed.
Script Supervisor
スペイン・バルセロナ。カンフーの達人トーマスとデビッドは、ある日、怪しい男たちに追われる謎の美女シルビアを助ける。友人のヘボ探偵・モビーの手を借り、実はシルビアが伯爵の娘で、彼女の遺産を狙う伯爵の弟が一味の黒幕だと知ったトーマスたち。だが度重なる激しい襲撃に、ついにシルビアがさらわれてしまう。3人は彼女を助けるため、最強の戦闘集団と壮絶な肉弾戦を繰り広げる! ジャッキー、サモ・カン、ユン・ピョウの黄金トリオが再集結し、バルセロナを中心に全編オールロケを敢行。終盤には3人それぞれの決闘シーンがあり、中でもジャッキーとマーシャルアーツ世界王者ベニー・ユキーデが拳を交える、スピーディな攻防は圧巻だ。