Four tales unfold in the Eternal City: While vacationing in Rome, architect John encounters a young man whose romantic woes remind him of a painful incident from his own youth; retired opera director Jerry discovers a mortician with an amazing voice, and he seizes the opportunity to rejuvenate his own flagging career; a young couple have separate romantic interludes; a spotlight shines on an ordinary man.
Property Master
『ライフ・イズ・ビューティフル』(原題:La vita è bella、英題:Life Is Beautiful)は、1997年のイタリア映画。ロベルト・ベニーニ監督・脚本・主演作品。第二次世界大戦下のユダヤ人迫害(ホロコースト)を、ユダヤ系イタリア人の親子の視点から描いた作品である。 カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員グランプリを受賞。第71回米国アカデミー賞で作品賞ほか7部門にノミネートされ、そのうち、主演男優賞、作曲賞、外国語映画賞を受賞した。また、トロント国際映画祭の観客賞やセザール賞の外国映画賞も受賞している。
Property Master
Two neighbors, young Vincenzo and old Mr. Bartoloni, are utterly unhappy. On the one hand Vincenzo must lead a miserable and frustrating life as he cannot find any regular job, despite his Arts degree. On the other hand, Mr. Bartoloni is fed up with his despotic wife: the woman who used to be a beautiful artist is now a fat and shabby drunkard. The two men meet on a particularly sad night and, during an outburst Mr. Bartoloni asks Vincenzo to help him to get rid of his wife by simulating an accident with the promise of a considerable amount of money. At night Vincenzo can't sleep: Mr. Bartoloni wasn't joking and he is in a desperate need for money...
Art professor Nino Rolfe attempts to break down his wife Teresa's conventional modesty. Noticing her affection for their daughter's fiancé, Nino instigates her sexual interest in him - setting off a chain of unexpected events and emotional complications...