Jack Wild

Jack Wild

出生 : 1952-09-30,

死亡 : 2006-03-01


Born September 30, 1952, in Royton, near Oldham, England, Jack Wild was discovered by talent agent June Collins, mother of rock star Phil Collins. His breakthrough came when he landed the role of Oliver in the London stage production of "Oliver!" When it came to casting the film, the role of the Artful Dodger went to Jack, a role that resulted in his getting an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Fresh from this success, Jack was offered the lead role in the American television series "H.R. Pufnstuf" (1969). This Sid Krofft and Marty Krofft production featured Wild as a boy marooned in an enchanted land with puppets and actors in elaborate costumes. The success of this program led to Wild reprising the role for the film version, Pufnstuf (1970). Other roles followed, including Melody (1971) and Flight of the Doves (1971). Around the same time, Wild released three albums ("The Jack Wild Album"; "Everything's Coming up Roses", featuring along with cover numbers a couple of new songs written by up-and-coming songwriter Lynsey De Paul; and "Beautiful World"). By 1972, however, he was already being demoted to the role of supporting actor for The Pied Piper (1972). He also appeared in "Our Mutual Friend" (1976). He returned to films in two small roles: the miller's son in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) and a peddler in Basil (1998). Wild underwent surgery for oral cancer in July 2004, and had some vocal cords and part of his tongue removed. Unfortunately, the cancer proved untreatable and he died on 1 March 2006.


Jack Wild


Moussaka & Chips
Durgen Fleece
Getaway driver Miles Foster is placed in witness protection after the murder of his friend Andres by Astin Brody, a shady underworld boss. Miles is hidden on the Greek Island of Zanthi with a recently graduated female MI6 officer, Charlotte Green. Shalom Godsall, Brody's disgruntled number two, has recommended two Irish assassins take out Miles, much to their surprise as a father and son assassin team they h ave a terrible track record. Godsall, however, is working with American secret service to oust his rival Astin Brody and take the top job. Nothing is going to plan; the assassins have found their target and are getting close. Miles and Charlotte are not getting on at all and the special relationship between the British and American secret service is at breaking point.
A lonely young aristocrat in turn-of the century England struggles to meet the approval of his over-bearing, class-conscious father while trying to please the selfish woman he loves.
Mock Turtle
Alice was sitting in the park one day. She sees a jogger called Rabbit. When she first meets him she thinks he's a jerk later she finds him nice and relaxing. She falls in love with him. He takes her to Queenie's party. Rabbit later finds out that Queenie wants to kill him. So Rabbit packs up to leave the country. When Alice finds this out she commits suicide which brings her into a fantasy world.
Keep It Up Downstairs
Peregrine Cockshute
The year is 1904; the setting is Cockshute Towers, one of England's stateliest homes. When the household is threatened with bankruptcy, both the masters and the servants are prepared to co-operate in trying to find some cash - after all, most of them are enjoying liaisons of one kind or another among themselves, and none have any desire to give up their rewarding way of life...
The World of Sid & Marty Krofft at the Hollywood Bowl
The special consists of a series of performances and skits based around the shows of Sid and Marty Krofft. Johnny Whitaker hosts the show and performs "Friends," the theme song from Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. Jack Wild appears as Jimmy, who searches high and low for his friend H.R. Pufnstuf (Van Snowden). H.R. Pufnstuf 's resident villain, Wilhelmina W. Witchiepoo (Louise DuArt, substituting for Billie Hayes) and Lidsville 's wacky magician Horatio J. Hoodoo (Paul Gale, substituting for Charles Nelson Reilly) each showcase their unique magic talents. The Brady Bunch Kids perform a medley of songs, though they would not appear in a Sid and Marty Krofft TV production until The Brady Bunch Hour in 1976.
The 14
Set in London’s East End, The 14 (aka The Wild Little Bunch aka Existence) is based on the true story of fourteen children who struggle against overwhelming pressures to stay together after the death of their single mother.
The Pied Piper
Greed, corruption, ignorance, and disease. Midsummer, 1349: the Black Death reaches northern Germany. Minstrels go to Hamelin for the Mayor's daughter's wedding to the Baron's son. He wants her dowry to pay his army while his father taxes the people to build a cathedral he thinks will save his soul. A local apothecary who's a Jew seeks a treatment for the plague; the priests charge him with witchcraft. One of the minstrels, who has soothed the Mayor's daughter with his music, promises to rid the town of rats for the fee. The Mayor agrees, then renigs. In the morning, the plague, the Jew's trial, and the Piper's revenge come at once.
Flight of the Doves
Finn Dove
While fleeing across the Irish countryside, two orphans are pursued by their villainous uncle, a master of disguises.
舞台はロンドン。公立学校ながら、厳しい教師と生徒たちの間でささやかな対立がはじまっていた。厳格な教えを説く教師たちや子供に過干渉な親たちと、それらに従うことなくそれぞれの目的や楽しみを見つけようとする子供たち。 気が弱く大人しい11歳のダニエルもそんな生徒の一人だったが、同じ学校に通うメロディという少女と出会う。2人はいつしか互いに惹かれあい、悩みを打ち明け、初めて心を許す相手を見つけたと感じた。純粋ゆえに恐れを知らない2人は、学校をさぼって海水浴場へデートに出かけたことから校長先生に叱られ、クラスメートたちにも散々笑い者にされる。ダニエルは悪友オーンショーにしつこくからかわれ、殴り合いの喧嘩まで繰り広げてしまう。 事情を聴くこともなく押さえつけようとする大人たちに対し、2人は一つの望みを口にする。それは「結婚したい」という驚くべきものだった。「どうして結婚できないのか」と問うが、当然親も教師もとりあわない。ある日、教師が授業を始めようとすると、教室はほとんどもぬけらの空であった。自分たちの手で2人の結婚式を挙げようと、クラスの生徒が集団エスケープしたのである。教師たちはあわてて彼らを探しに行く。 廃線脇の隠れ場所で、オーンショーが神父を務める結婚式がとり行われていた。ダニエルとメロディが誓いの言葉を唱えようとした時、教師たちに見つかってしまい、子供たちは散り散りに逃げていく。暖かい日差しの中で大人と子供の乱闘が繰り広げられ、発明狂の男の子が作った自家製爆弾が車を見事に爆破すると、大人たちは恐れをなして一目散に逃げて行く。子供たちはやんやの喝采を挙げる。その頃、ダニエルとメロディの2人はオーンショーの助けで追手を振り切り、トロッコに乗って線路のはるか向こうへと駆け出して行った。
Jimmy (Jack Wild) ventures to Living Island with his magical, talking flute, Freddy. Once there, he befriends many of the island's inhabitants, but the evil Witchiepoo (Billie Hayes) is determined to steal Freddy the flute away from the boy to impress the visiting Witches' Council and win the Witch of the Year Award.
The Artful Dodger
In Search of Zoomite
Potter in Pursuit
Stranger from Dragonara
The Tent with Four Legs
Dragon Hunt
The Runaway Bubble
Dragon Trail
Danny Gets Jet-Propelled
The Invisible Space Bubble
Danny the Dragon
Gavin, Jean and Peter meet Danny the Dragon, an unintentional visitor from outer space. Danny and the children encounter many adventures before Danny finally manages to return to his own planet.