Keith Elliott

出生 : 1960-03-15, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


Saw X
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Between the events of 'Saw' and 'Saw II', a sick and desperate John Kramer travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer, only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer returns to his work, turning the tables on the con artists in his signature visceral way through devious, deranged, and ingenious traps.
The Sadies Stop and Start
Sound Mixer
The Sadies Stop and Start captures a moment in time. That time was uncertain and dark. Still reeling from losing Dallas, we found out that Mike needed to have emergency wrist surgery. We needed to play these songs, not knowing if we would ever have the opportunity again. With one day's notice, documentary filmmaker Ron Mann and a stellar crew pulled together to help us capture these songs. Friends and family gathered to help out and show their support. James McKenty engineered in his mobile recording trailer, In Record Time Studio. The resulting film looked and sounded better than we could have hoped. We are thankful to share that Mike's surgery was successful and we are back out on the road and coming to a city near you.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Dominic’s fetish is… himself. Nothing turns him on more than his own reflection. That’s why discovering that he has a twin brother, raised in a remote monastery by a depraved priest, causes him major consternation. Fate brings the two young men back together again, and their fraternal relationship is torn between sex, revenge and redemption.
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In 2013, the Dominican Republic stripped the citizenship of anyone with Haitian parents, rendering over 200,000 people without nationality, identity or homeland. Exploring this complex history and politics.
スパイラル:ソウ オールリセット
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Castle in the Ground
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
After the untimely death of his mother, a grieving teen befriends his charismatic but troubled neighbor, only to become ensnared in a world of addiction and violence as the opioid epidemic takes hold of his small town.
The Rest of Us
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Two mother-daughter duos must contend with their grief and complicated relationships with one another when the person who connects them dies.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The quiet Rose works in women's fashion clothing, hoping to be a designer. A traffic accident damages her face. She gets experimental stem cell treatment, leaving her stronger and prettier than ever - but there's a side effect.
She Never Died
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Lacey, a socially detached loner is cursed with immortality and a never-ending tedium of existence. In her attempts to keep her compulsions in check, she seeks out the darkest souls humanity has to offer. Lacey must now face her own inner demons while simultaneously finding her next meal.
White Lie
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Katie Arneson is faking cancer. A university dance major, Katie's falsified diagnosis and counterfeit fundraising have transformed her into a campus celebrity surrounded by the supportive community she's always dreamed of. But now dependent on a bursary for sick students to maintain her ruse, Katie learns the funding is in jeopardy unless she can provide copies of her medical records within the week.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Other Half
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A grief-stricken man and a bipolar woman fall in love and attempt to forge a simple life together.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Former SWAT leader David Hendrix and hard-partying movie star Brody Walker must cut their ride-along short when a police training facility is attacked by a team of mercenaries.
Happily Ever After
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When Heather and Sarah Ann were growing up they told each other every secret. But Heather left their small town on the last day of high school vowing never to return. Forced to come back when her father becomes ill, the young documentary filmmaker is pressured into filming Sarah Ann's wedding video. Heather is convinced that the edgy filmmaker and bubbly pink-wearing bride have nothing in common, but as the big day approaches she finds that no one is quite what they seem – especially the old friend she thought she knew better than anyone.
The Sublet
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Sublet is a suspense driven psychological thriller about Joanna, a new mom coping with her baby alone in an odd sublet apartment. As her husband neglects her to focus on his career, Joanna questions her sanity as she discovers a violent past to the apartment and suspects that the building may be haunted.
The Hexecutioners
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Two disparate young women working for a company that conducts euthanasia are dispatched to a remote estate to perform a custom assisted-suicide ritual, but unwittingly summon the wraiths of a Death Cult that once inhabited the property.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The coming-of-age story of Cayden Richards. Forced to hit the road after the murder of his parents, Cayden wanders lost without purpose... Until he meets a certifiable lunatic named Wild Joe who sets him on a path to the ominous town of Lupine Ridge to hunt down the truths of his history. But in the end| who's really hunting whom?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
夫のガブリエルは著名な物理学教授で妻マリカは芸術家。二人は9歳の息子エロルと共に幸せな家庭を築いていた。ある日、学会に出掛けたガブリエルが、突如何の痕跡も残さず地球上から消えてしまう。ガブリエルの失踪は、マリカを憔悴させ、21歳になったエロルは、祖父でありガブリエルの師であるサルの元で物理学を学び始める。そして、サルが発見したガブリエルの研究ノートから、彼がタイムトラベルを研究していたという驚愕の事実を知ることになる。 エロルは危険を顧みず、父と再会するためタイムトラベルに挑む。
13 Eerie
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Forensics students arriving an isolated, island "body farm" get to try out their CSI skills on a bunch of corpses under the watchful eye of their grumpy professor. The island used to house a state penitentiary where the authorities were experimenting on death row inmates and now the bodies won't stay still.
ラスト・エクソシズム2 悪魔の寵愛
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
As Nell Sweetzer tries to build a new life after the events of the first movie, the evil force that once possessed her returns with an even more horrific plan.
A Dark Truth
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the jungles of Ecuador, blood taints the waters. A multinational conglomerate's unholy alliance with a bloodthirsty military regime has resulted in a massacre. Only the rebel Francisco Franco and his determined wife Mia can prove the truth. To settle a personal debt, former CIA agent Jack Begosian takes on the freelance assignment to rescue Francisco and risks everything in a brutal battle to expose the cover-up.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ソウ ザ・ファイナル
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ジルの罠を生き抜いたホフマン刑事はジルの殺害に執念を燃やす。ジルは警察に保護を求めるが、ホフマンの魔の手は確実に彼女に忍び寄る…。ジグソウのゲームを生き残ったボビー・デイゲンは、その経験談をTVや著書などで語り、カリスマ的な人気を得ていた。ジグソウのゲームの生還者の会に参加した彼は、あのゴードン医師と出会い疑いの目を向けられる。ゲームの終焉は来た! 「ゲームオーバー!」を最後に言うのは誰なのか?!
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ハリウッド式 恋のから騒ぎ
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
九死に一生を得て助かったFBI捜査官ストラムは、傷一つ負わずにゲームから生き残ったホフマン刑事こそジグソウの後継者ではないかと疑う。一方、ジグソウ生前に弁護士に預けられた遺言と遺品を見て衝撃に襲われるジグソウの元妻、ジル。そして、コンクリートの床の上で5人の男女が目覚めると、犬の首輪に繋がれ、V字型の大きな刃がセットされていた…。新しいゲームの仕掛け人は、果たして、ホフマン刑事なのだろうか? そしてジグソウの遺言の内容、ジルが驚愕した遺品とは何なのだろうか?
The Burrowers
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
It is 1879 in the Dakota Territories, a band of men who set out to find and recover a family of settlers that has mysteriously vanished from their home. Expecting the offenders to be a band of fierce natives, but they soon discover that the real enemy stalks them from below.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A fictional documentary discusses the effects the Iraq war has had on soldiers and local people through interviews with members of an American military unit, the media, and local Iraqis.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
息子を交通事故で亡くしたジェフは、目覚めると食肉工場の地下室にいた。扉を開けると、そこには鎖につながれた3人の男女。最愛の息子を飲酒運転でひき殺した男、犯人に軽罪しか与えなかった判事、そして事故を目撃しながら証言しなかった女…。「俺は、息子を殺した人間たちを処刑するのか?」 一方、医者のリンは誘拐され、連れて行かれた地下室で、瀬戸際のジグソウと会う。彼の延命手術を成功させなければ、彼女にも死が待っている…。こうして新たなる「ゲーム」が始まった!
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
On New Year's Eve, inside a police station that's about to be closed for good, officer Jake Roenick must cobble together a force made up cops and criminals to save themselves from a mob looking to kill mobster Marion Bishop.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Law of Enclosures
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Story of the same couple, first in their teenage years and then in their twilight years, paradoxically set in the same time during the backdrop of the Gulf War in the Middle East.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
衝撃的な内容で話題となったブレット・イーストン・エリスの小説を「I SHOT ANDY WARHOL」のメアリー・ハロン監督が映画化したサスペンス・ドラマ。80年代のニューヨーク。27歳のハンサムなヤッピー、パトリック・ベイトマンは一流企業の副社長。高級マンションに住み、美しい婚約者もいる彼は一見誰もが羨む生活を送っていた。しかし、彼の心の中には深い闇が広がっており、突如襲う衝動に突き動かされ、夜の街をさまよいホームレスや娼婦を殺害していたのだった……。
The Big Hit
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Affable hit man Melvin Smiley is constantly being scammed by his cutthroat colleagues in the life-ending business. So, when he and his fellow assassins kidnap the daughter of an electronics mogul, it's naturally Melvin who takes the fall when their prime score turns sour. That's because the girl is the goddaughter of the gang's ruthless crime boss. But, even while dodging bullets, Melvin has to keep his real job secret from his unsuspecting fiancée, Pam.
スウィート ヒアアフター
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Foley Recordist
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Recently orphaned, a young boy is taken in by his godmother who is shocked to realize that she can see the boy's imaginary friend: a flamboyant, French magician named Bogus.
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A pharmaceutical scientist creates a pill that makes people remember their happiest memory, and although it's successful, it has unfortunate side effects.