Hiroshi Ikeda

出生 : 1950-01-08, Tokyo


Yoichi Hatanaka
Takayuki Iwabuchi (Koji Yakusho), a former yakuza member with a tattoo of Kisshoten on his back. Although he has a criminal record, he is currently working as a driver at a hearse transportation company. One day, a young man visits the company and asks Takayuki to transport the body of his fiancé, Sawa (Shinobu Terajima), who had unexpectedly passed away, to her hometown in a rural area of Takamatsu, Shikoku. Takayuki decides to go to Shikoku with the young man, However, the man disappears when leaving to take a call while they are stopped at a rest area near Setoo Bridge. Left alone, Takayuki arrives at Sawa's home village after much searching. He then tells Sawa's bereaved family about the situation at her parents' house. There, he learns of the tradition of posthumous marriage, or 'Yukon', from the village elder...
異国と航海にあこがれるジム少年は、今夜も港町の古びた旅館・ベンボー亭のお留守番。ところが怪しげな猫船長がやって来て、不思議な地図を残してゆく。どうやらそれは、有名な海賊・フリント船長の隠した宝のありかを示す地図らしい。ジムは親友であるネズミのグランと共に、自作の樽船・パイオニア号で海に出る。目指すは地図にある伝説の宝島だ! ところが、パイオニア号は海賊船に撃沈され、二人はあえなく捕虜になってしまう。海賊船の名はポークソテー号。船長のシルバーはかつてフリントの部下だった男で、彼もまた宝島の財宝を虎視眈々と狙っていた。ジムとグランは脱走して海賊島に上陸。しかしシルバー一味に追いつかれ、地図を奪われた挙げ句、奴隷商人に売り飛ばされてしまう。監禁された石の牢屋には、キャシーという女の子の先客がいた。何とこのキャシー、フリント船長の孫娘で、例の地図を探しているらしい。ジムとキャシーは互いに反発し合いながらも、やがて心を通わせ、協力して宝島を目指すことになる。今、海を渡る大冒険の幕が上がる!
異国と航海にあこがれるジム少年は、今夜も港町の古びた旅館・ベンボー亭のお留守番。ところが怪しげな猫船長がやって来て、不思議な地図を残してゆく。どうやらそれは、有名な海賊・フリント船長の隠した宝のありかを示す地図らしい。ジムは親友であるネズミのグランと共に、自作の樽船・パイオニア号で海に出る。目指すは地図にある伝説の宝島だ! ところが、パイオニア号は海賊船に撃沈され、二人はあえなく捕虜になってしまう。海賊船の名はポークソテー号。船長のシルバーはかつてフリントの部下だった男で、彼もまた宝島の財宝を虎視眈々と狙っていた。ジムとグランは脱走して海賊島に上陸。しかしシルバー一味に追いつかれ、地図を奪われた挙げ句、奴隷商人に売り飛ばされてしまう。監禁された石の牢屋には、キャシーという女の子の先客がいた。何とこのキャシー、フリント船長の孫娘で、例の地図を探しているらしい。ジムとキャシーは互いに反発し合いながらも、やがて心を通わせ、協力して宝島を目指すことになる。今、海を渡る大冒険の幕が上がる!
Hayato's home city is under attack from a gigantic robot. His parents are lying dead in the rubble and the only remaining friend is his dog. His only thought now is revenge against the owner of the Phantom Ship (from where the robot said he was sent). He ends up in the house of Kuroshio, the leader of the fight against the Phantom Ship and the most important person in the city. By complete accident, Hayato finds his way to an underground passageway where he realises that the true nature of events does not mesh with what Kuroshio has told him. His life is now in great danger, and only he can stop the plans of the evildoers.
Hayato's home city is under attack from a gigantic robot. His parents are lying dead in the rubble and the only remaining friend is his dog. His only thought now is revenge against the owner of the Phantom Ship (from where the robot said he was sent). He ends up in the house of Kuroshio, the leader of the fight against the Phantom Ship and the most important person in the city. By complete accident, Hayato finds his way to an underground passageway where he realises that the true nature of events does not mesh with what Kuroshio has told him. His life is now in great danger, and only he can stop the plans of the evildoers.
A taxi driver hits a woman on the streets. He takes care of her while she gets better. While realizing they're both at a brink in their lives they'll start falling for each other against their odds.
Mogura no Motoro
Mole Motoro