Dan Keeler


Special Effects Supervisor
Special Effects Supervisor
失踪した恋人を捜す男を待ち受ける真相を描いたサスペンススリラー。グラフィックデザイナーのデビッドは恋人でアマチュアカメラマンのクレアと一緒に暮らしていたが、ある日突然、クレアは姿を消してしまう。デビッドは友人や警察にも相談し必死で彼女の行方を捜すが、何の情報もないまま1年が過ぎる。ある日、デビッドはクレアが撮影した未現像のフィルムを見つける。現像してみると、そこには手がかりになりそうな場所や人物が写されていた。しかしそれ以来、デビッドの周囲にCIAやマフィアの影がちらつきはじめ……。 日本未公開。
Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead
Special Effects
While driving to Las Vegas for the bachelor party of her sister Melissa and her fiance Bobby, Kayla stops the car at a gas station to meet her date, Nik, a guy she met on the internet. Nik convinces her to take a secondary road under the protest of Bobby but the car breaks down. They find a house in the middle of nowhere and decide to take the car parked in the house's garage to the next city...
Special Effects Coordinator
Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: an everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank, and a bitter old recluse receives an uninvited guest.
Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers - To Live and Die in Starlight
Special Effects Coordinator
After being punished for retreat from combat, Ranger David Martel is given command of the Liandra, a haunted 20-year old Minbari fighting ship. He's escorting ambassadors to a secret archaeological site, the oldest city on record and a clue to a dangerous ancient race.