Bayne Gibby

Bayne Gibby


Bayne Gibby is an American stage, film and television actress and writer.


Bayne Gibby
Bayne Gibby
Bayne Gibby


Casey Kelly
2002 年、カリフォルニア州サクラメント。閉塞感溢れる片田舎のカトリック系高校から、大都会ニューヨークへの大学進学を夢見るクリスティン(自称“レディ・バード”)は、高校生最後の 1 年、友達や彼氏や家族について、そして自分の将来について悩んでいた。
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Doris the Secretary
A throwback musical comedy set in 1943, where clueless radio stars, The Apple Sisters botch a chance of a lifetime by forgetting their movie pitch to the biggest, most indecisive, bean-munching Hollywoodland producer of all times, Mr. Mountabrother.
Amelia Busybottom (voice)
If Winnie shot her two friends in self defense as she later claimed, why did she hide their bodies in trunks and attempt to take them as luggage with her on a train to L.A.?