Antonio Tarolla


I cassamortari
Assistant Production Design
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.
Set Designer
Assistant Art Director
巨匠リドリー・スコットが突きつける、空前のアクション・サスペンス大作! レオナルド・ディカプリオと、アカデミー俳優ラッセル・クロウ――ハリウッドきっての豪華2大スターが顔を合わせ、いま至極の「嘘の世界」〈ワールド・オブ・ライズ〉が、その幕を開ける! 世界を救おうとする2人の男。CIA工作員のロジャー・フェリス(ディカプリオ)と、彼の上司であるベテラン局員、エド・ホフマン(クロウ)。 フェリスは、世界中の情報網の中枢に潜入し、現場を知らない上司にキレながらも、命を張って働く男。一方のホフマンは、平和な自宅や安全な本部から電話一本で命令し、部下の意見は無視する冷酷な男だ。 そんな生き方も考え方も違う2人の目的はひとつ。地球規模の爆破事件のリーダーを捕まえること。 足跡すら残さない正体不明の犯人をおびき出せるのは、「世界一の嘘」しかない。フェリスとホフマン、そして他国の諜報部の、息もつけない頭脳戦が始まった!  果たして世界を救うのは、いったい誰のどんな嘘か──?
Art Direction
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, finds out that his uncle Claudius killed his father to obtain the throne, and plans revenge.
オペラ座 血の喝采
Assistant Art Director
A young opera singer is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.
Madman at War
Assistant Production Design
Story about a doctor in a Libyan military hospital who is mad, but no-one wants to declare him unfit, and he becomes the captain of a fighting unit. Through him the Germans risk losing a truce with the British, and therefore kill him and give him a hero's funeral.
Cuori nella tormenta
Assistant Production Design
Walter is a non-commissioned officer of the Navy, while Raf is a ship's cook. They become great friends but unfortunately they fall in love, without knowing it, with the same girl Sonia.
Dio li fa poi li accoppia
Assistant Production Design
At carnival, a girl disguised as a devil seduces the parish priest of a village. She becomes pregnant, but the priest can not support his intention to abort and drag her to court.
An Ideal Adventure
Set Decoration
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.