Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Taran is an assistant pigkeeper with boyish dreams of becoming a great warrior. However, he has to put the daydreaming aside when his charge, an oracular pig named Hen Wen, is kidnapped by an evil lord known as the Horned King. The villain hopes Hen will show him the way to The Black Cauldron, which has the power to create a giant army of unstoppable soldiers.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jewell and Gil are farmers. They seem to be working against the odds, producing no financial surplus. Gil has lost hope of ever becoming prosperous, but Jewell decides to fight for her family.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The explorer craft USS Palomino is returning to Earth after a fruitless 18-month search for extra-terrestrial life when the crew comes upon a supposedly lost ship, the USS Cygnus, hovering near a black hole. The ship is controlled by Dr. Hans Reinhardt and his monstrous robot companion, but the initial wonderment and awe the Palomino crew feel for the ship and its resistance to the power of the black hole turn to horror as they uncover Reinhardt's plans.
Sound Mixer
The California Atoms are in last place with no hope of moving up. But by switching the mule from team mascot to team member, (He can kick 100 yard field goals!) they start winning, and move up in the rankings, Hurrah! The competition isn't so happy.
Boom Operator
主人公ハーパー役をポール・ニューマンが演じた、ロス・マクドナルドのハードボイルド小説「動く標的」に基づく大ヒット作。それまでに23本の映画に出演していたニューマンが初めて探偵役に挑み、ハードボイルドジャンルを再燃させた画期的作品である。うだつの上がらない探偵が、ある入り組んだ誘拐殺人事件をきっかけに活躍のチャンスをつかむ。脚本家ウィリアム・ゴールドマンによって粋な会話と新天地ロサンゼルスが“ハーパー流”に見事に脚色されている。資産家の女(ローレン・バコール)、銃を忍ばせる弁護士(アーサー・ヒル)、プールサイドに陣取るジゴロ(ロバート・ワグナー)、酒びたりの元女優(シェリー・ウィンタース)、熱狂的なジャズファン(ジュリー・ハリス)、ハーパーの別居中の妻(ジャネット・リー)、そして(ストローザー・マーティン率いる)“雲の寺”という謎の宗教団体。それぞれが謎を解く鍵を握っているのか? あるいは、ハーパーに向かって引き金を引くのは誰なのか?
Boom Operator
Hollywood drama loosely based on the life of film actress Jean Harlow, with Carroll Baker in the title role. One of two feature film biographies, both released in 1965 and both with the same title, about the '30s platinum blonde movie star.