Magdalen Gaffney


Black Beauty
Key Makeup Artist
The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.
Morning Glory
Makeup Artist
An ex-convict who is on parole is accused of murdering a loose woman in the town where he works.
The Whistle Blower
Makeup Artist
A war veteran tries to investigate the murder of his son who was working as a Russian translator for the British intelligence service during the Cold War. He meets a web of deception and paranoia that seems impenetrable...
Makeup Artist
オズの国から戻ったドロシーはオズの国の事ばかり気になり眠れない。ドロシーが流れ星を見た翌朝、めんどりのビリーナが庭に落ちていた"OZ"の印がある鍵を見つける。エムおばさんはドロシーに最新式の電気治療を受けさせようと病院へ連れて行き入院することになる。 その晩は激しい嵐にで電気治療が始まりかけた時に停電し見知らぬ少女が助けに現れる。ドロシーは病院から脱出するが、2人とも川の濁流に飲まれてしまい翌朝ドロシーが目を覚ますとオズの国に戻っていた。
The Shooting Party
Makeup Artist
1913, shortly before the outbreak of WWI. A group of aristocrats gathers at the estate of Sir Randolph Nettleby for a weekend shoot. As the terminal decrepitude of a dying class is reflected in the social interactions and hypocrisy of its members, only world weary Sir Randolph seems to realise that the sun is setting.