Gordon Ecker


Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
 縄張り争いが激化する'50年代のロス。街のコーヒーショップで元刑事を含む6人の男女が惨殺される事件が発生した。殺された刑事の相棒だった バドが捜査を開始。殺された女と一緒にいたブロンド美人リンに接近する。彼女はスターに似た女を集めた高級娼婦組織の一員。同じ頃、その組織をベテラン刑事のジャックが追っていた。野心家の若手刑事エドも事件を追い、容疑者を射殺。事件は解決したかに見えたが……。
Sound Effects Editor
バットマン フォーエヴァー
Sound Effects Editor
Boom Operator
As soon as they meet Ari and Sam get into a pretty passionate - and combustible - relationship. Indeed, the scenes of their rendezvous often seem reminiscent of the Chicago Fire. But the course of true flaming lust never runs true, and as they try to handle their all-consuming passion their two best friends endlessly meet to compare notes on developments.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Supervising Sound Editor
A murder takes place in the shop of David Lyons, a deaf man who fails to hear the gunshot being fired. Outside, blind man Wally Karue hears the shot but cannot see the perpetrator. Both are arrested, but escape to form an unlikely partnership. Being chased by both the law AND the original killers, can the pair work together to outwit them all?
ブロブ 宇宙からの不明物体
Supervising Sound Editor
とある田舎町の森に火の玉が墜落する。目撃したホームレスの老人が好奇心から現場に向かうが、そこで粘液状の物体に腕を取りつかれてしまう。 そこへデート中のメグとポールが通りあわせ、老人を病院へ運ぶが、老人は物体に喰い尽くされ、ポールも犠牲となる。目撃したメグは一部始終を訴えるが信じて貰えず、保安官は町の不良少年ブライアンの仕業だと疑う。
Sound Designer
An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.
Supervising Sound Editor
An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.
Outrageous Fortune
Supervising Sound Editor
Refined actress Lauren Ames finally has a chance to study with the great theatre professor Stanislav Korzenowski. Sandy Brozinsky, a brash, loud actress, decides through happenstance to also study with Korzenowski. The two women end up dating the same man (who turns out to be a double agent) and follow him across the country to force him to choose between them.
Soul Man
Supervising Sound Editor
A caucasian prospective grad student's affluent family won't pay his way through law school, so he takes tanning pills to darken his skin in order to qualify for an African-American scholarship at Harvard. He soon gets more than he bargained for, as he begins to learn what life is really like for blacks in America.
Supervising Sound Editor
Mike's Murder
Sound Editor
Betty has a crush on her tennis instructor Mike. He promises to call her for a date, but never does – she doesn’t know he sells drugs on the side. After botching a deal on someone else’s turf, Mike has to disappear for a while. He contacts Betty – then he’s killed before they can meet. Betty tries to find out what happened, leading her straight into a hornet's nest of vice.
Supervising Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
After years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, serial killer Norman Bates is finally released. Deciding to move back into his long-dead mother's infamous old house, he soon finds himself tormented by 'her' demands and begins to question his own sanity.
Southern Comfort
Supervising Sound Editor
A squad of National Guards on an isolated weekend exercise in the Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives when they anger local Cajuns by stealing their canoes. Without live ammunition and in a strange country, their experience begins to mirror the Vietnam experience.
Dead & Buried
Sound Effects Editor
After a series of gory murders commited by mobs of townspeople against visiting tourists, the corpses appear to be coming back to life and living normally as locals in the small town.
Supervising Sound Editor
The origins, exploits and the ultimate fate of the James gang is told in a sympathetic portrayal of the bank robbers made up of brothers who begin their legendary bank raids because of revenge.
The Ninth Configuration
Supervising Sound Editor
Col. Vincent Kane is a military psychiatrist who takes charge of an army mental hospital situated in a secluded castle. Among Kane's many eccentric patients is Capt. Billy Cutshaw, a troubled astronaut in the midst of an existential crisis. Although Kane's own grasp on sanity is questionable, he manages to engage Cutshaw in a series of thoughtful conversations about science and faith that deeply affect the lives of both men.
September 30, 1955
Sound Effects Editor
A young Southerner loses his grip on reality when his favorite movie star James Dean suddenly dies in a car crash.
Two-Minute Warning
Sound Editor
A psychotic sniper plans a massive killing spree in a Los Angeles football stadium during a major championship game. The police, led by Captain Peter Holly and the SWAT commander, learn of the plot and rush to the scene.