Sue May


Every culture has one – the horrible monster fueling young children's nightmares. But for Tim, the Boogeyman still lives in his memories as a creature that devoured his father 16 years earlier. Is the Boogeyman real? Or did Tim make him up to explain why his father abandoned his family?
Unit Publicist
3人の若い友人が失われた宝物を求めてオレゴンのジャングルに入ります。 そこでは、カヌーを唯一の移動手段として、あらゆる種類の困難に直面する必要があります。彼らは2人の狂った農民に追われ、危険な急流、木からぶら下がっているヒッピー、そして最後に、生きている風変わりな老人に直面しなければなりません 山の中(バート・レイノルズ)。
Heart of the Stag
Production Manager
Chilling story of a farmhand who realizes his popular boss has been committing incest with his daughter for years.