Charlotte Rouleau


Art Direction
日常のささいなことでも不安になる怖がりの男ボーはある日、さっきまで電話で話してた母が突然、怪死したことを知る。母のもとへ駆けつけようとアパートの玄関を出ると、そこはもう“いつもの日常”ではなかった。これは現実か? それとも妄想、悪夢なのか? 次々に奇妙で予想外の出来事が起こる里帰りの道のりは、いつしかボーと世界を徹底的にのみこむ壮大な物語へと変貌していく。
Assistant Art Director
西暦2257年、〈ニュー・ワールド〉。そこは、汚染した地球を旅立った人類がたどり着いた〈新天地〉のはずだった。だが、男たちは頭の中の考えや心の中の想いが、〈ノイズ〉としてさらけ出されるようになり、女は死に絶えてしまう。この星で生まれ、最も若い青年であるトッドは、一度も女性を見たことがない。 ある時、地球からやって来た宇宙船が墜落し、トッドはたった一人の生存者となったヴァイオラと出会い、ひと目で恋におちる。ヴァイオラを捕えて利用しようとする首長のプレンティスから、彼女を守ると決意するトッド。 二人の逃避行の先々で、この星の驚愕の秘密が明らかになっていく──。
Last Call
Art Direction
The last days of the poet Dylan Thomas as he dreams and drinks.
Assistant Art Director
Two colleagues at a revolutionary research lab design technology to improve and perfect romantic relationships. As their work progresses, their discoveries become more profound.
Art Direction
A young girl is raised in a dysfunctional family constantly on the run from the FBI. Living in poverty, she comes of age guided by her drunkard, ingenious father who distracts her with magical stories to keep her mind off the family's dire state, and her selfish, nonconformist mother who has no intention of raising a family, along with her younger brother and sister, and her other older sister. Together, they fend for each other as they mature in an unorthodox journey that is their family life.
Shut In
Art Direction
A widowed child psychologist lives in an isolated existence in rural New England. When caught in a deadly winter storm, she must find a way to rescue a young boy before he disappears forever.
Art Direction
Assistant Art Director
Spécialités Féminines
Costume Design
Three beautiful creatures bathe in our eyes. Behind three windows, so many women; owners of the places, as free inside themselves as in their antics. Exhibition? No! Exposure. Besides, who's watching? And who is watched? The bodies traversed by so many mental territories, FEMALE SPECIALTIES magnifies this "Second Sex" to flush out the random, the somatic, the elusive. ... not there to be understood but to be touched! ... and hated who thinks badly!
Art Direction
Assistant Art Director
An obsessed cop is on the trail of a serial killer prowling the streets of Buffalo, N.Y. but when his teenage daughter disappears, he drops any professional restraint to get the killer.
パニッシャー: ウォー・ゾーン
Assistant Art Director
The Adventures of Pluto Nash
Set Designer
The year is 2087, the setting is the moon. Pluto Nash, the high-flying successful owner of the hottest nightclub in the universe, finds himself in trouble when he refuses to sell his club to lunar gangster Mogan, who just happens to be helping the mysterious Rex Crater mastermind a plan to take over the entire moon.
Set Designer
デ・ニーロとノートンの新旧カメレオン俳優が激突! 完全防備されたフランス王家の秘宝を狙って、犯罪のプロがタッグを組む。最後の最後まで気が抜けないスリリングなクライム・ムービー。