Sherryn Smith


Confess, Fletch
Assistant Makeup Artist
The roguishly charming and endlessly troublesome Fletch becomes the prime suspect in a murder case while searching for a stolen art collection. The only way to prove his innocence? Find out which of the long list of suspects is the culprit - from the eccentric art dealer and a missing playboy to a crazy neighbor and Fletch’s Italian girlfriend. Crime, in fact, has never been this disorganized.
Makeup Artist
コーダ あいのうた
Key Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
昼はホームセンターの従業員。夜は世の悪人を葬る仕事請負人。二つの顔を合せ持ち、19秒で世の不正を抹消するイコライザーことロバート・マッコールが帰ってきた。日米でスマッシュヒットとなった前作『イコライザー』から4年、昼はタクシードライバーとして働く今作でも、彼の仕事の流儀は変わらない。世の不正を裁くのに必要な時間は19秒。身の回りのモノを武器に変えて完全抹消。報酬はなし。 しかし、無双の戦闘スキルで仕事を完遂してきたイコライザーに、その流儀さえも脅かす最大の難関が訪れる。何故ならば、今度の敵は自分と同じ特殊訓練を受けた《イコライザー》だった―。
American Woman
Key Makeup Artist
A young grandmother in a small Pennsylvania town raises her daughter's child after the girl disappears. All the while, a desperate search for her continues.
Super Troopers 2
Makeup Department Head
When an international border dispute arises between the U.S. and Canada, the Super Troopers- Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit and Farva, are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the disputed area.
ボストン ストロング ダメな僕だから英雄になれた
Makeup Artist
We Don't Belong Here
Makeup Department Head
A matriarch of a dysfunctional family is pushed to her tipping point by the disappearance of her son.
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
ボストン警察の殺人課に所属する刑事トミーは、 「愛国者の日(パトリオット・デイ)」に毎年開催されるボストンマラソンの警備にあたっていた。50万人の観衆で会場が埋め尽くされる中、トミーの背後で突如として大規模な爆発が発生。トミーらボストン警察の面々は事態を把握できないまま、必死の救護活動を行なう。そんな中、現場に到着したFBI捜査官リックは、事件をテロと断定。捜査はFBIの管轄になるが、犯人に対し激しい怒りを抱えるトミーは、病院に収容された負傷者たちから丁寧に話を聞いてまわる。やがて、監視カメラに映っていた「黒い帽子の男」と「白い帽子の男」が容疑者として浮かび上がる。
Key Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Key Makeup Artist
A hard-working small business owner and his two associates travel to Europe to close the most important deal of their lives. But what began as a routine business trip goes off the rails in every imaginable – and unimaginable – way, including unplanned stops at a massive sex fetish event and a global economic summit.
Makeup Artist
The Company Men
Makeup Artist
Bobby Walker lives the proverbial American dream: great job, beautiful family, shiny Porsche in the garage. When corporate downsizing leaves him and two co-workers jobless, the three men are forced to re-define their lives as men, husbands and fathers.
Don McKay
Makeup Department Head
Everything appears off-kilter when a man returns to his hometown after 25 years to visit his former lover.
Key Makeup Artist
When two friends return from a girls weekend vacation in Mexico, they find themselves stranded at the airport. Trying to get home safely, they board an airport shuttle for the short trip. But once their feet cross the threshold of the shuttle, a night that had started like any other turns terrifying, and the ride home becomes a descent into darkness.
The Sensation of Sight
Key Makeup Artist
An English teacher sells encyclopedias while searching for the meaning of life.
Night Deposit
Makeup Artist
Clare, a mysterious young woman, earns a lucrative income as a serial seducer of men.