Hiroshi Watari

Hiroshi Watari

出生 : 1963-03-20, Niigata Prefecture - Japan


Hiroshi Watari is a Japanese singer, voice actor, and actor. His real name is Hiroshi Watanabe. His wife is the voice actor Emi Shinohara. In the past he was signed to 81 Produce, Stunt Japan, and Ayers Rock, but is currently signed with Rough.


Hiroshi Watari
Hiroshi Watari


劇場版 炎の天狐 トチオンガーセブン 閻魔堂!地獄の大決戦!!
<あらすじ> 風光明媚な地方都市・柏崎。海風が吹き抜ける、この美しい地で巻き起こる通り魔事件。 そして“鬼”の目撃情報。 仲間を失い、復讐心に燃える星 狐太郎(演:星知弘)=トチオンガーセブンは、 宿敵を追って柏崎へとやってくる。そこで出会う地元の新聞記者・長浜瑞希(演:小川麻琴)と 弟の一彦(演:橋本 閏)もまた両親を謎の通り魔に殺されていた。 通り魔事件の影に蠢く蛇王一族の影。そして柏崎に根ざす閻魔信仰と事件の繋がりが 見え隠れする中、ついに地獄への扉が開く――――。
Den Iga
「宇宙刑事ギャバンTHE MOVIE」から2年―。待望の“平成宇宙刑事シリーズ”最新作。2代目シャリバンが主人公のVシネマが誕生! 赤射せよ!シャリバン 初代シャリバン・伊賀電からその名を受け継いだ男・日向快は、経験と完璧な計算によって多くの犯人を検挙してきた宇宙刑事である。ある時、宇宙犯罪組織ネオマドー・ガイラー将軍が行う禁止薬物“ハイパーM”の取引現場を押えるため、快は相棒シシーと地球に向かう。しかし、快はそれとは別に銀河連邦警察長官ゴードンから極秘任務を課せられていたのだった!
Bikini Ramen
In 20 XX years, Japan was wrapped in fireworks of ramen... People were suppressed by the ramen fear politics by a group called "tiger's hole". When everyone gave up on the future, there was a woman who turned away from God and opened her own destiny! Behold! Now Pandora 's box called Donburi will be held!
The brutal Yoshio and his quiet young wife Saeko are on a road trip. Their drive will take a wrong turn when Yoshio decides to pick up a hitch hiker along the way. When the man reveals himself as a deranged bank robber and serial killer, the couple will be forced to cooperate in his getaway. Now it's Saeko's turn to take revenge on the man who drove her through hell!
秘密潜入捜査官 ワイルドキャッツ in ストリップ ロワイアル
Bunny and a new Honey as secret agents on three missions
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
Jaspion Especial