After growing up in an abusive adoptive household, young and confused Bethany Ivanhoe embarks on the inevitable search for her birth parents- igniting a life changing adventure she never expected.
Dramatizes some of the more tawdry events in the relationship between O.J. Simpson and his wife, Nicole Brown, up to and including his arrest for Brown's murder.
Three women plot to catch wealthy husbands by throwing a party at a mansion to which they have temporary access. Obvious love stories follow involving an ex-ballplayer, a secretly wealthy mechanic and an ad exec.
Eight young people from Ohio who are dancers, come to New York, to compete in a major talent competition. But when they get there, they learn that they have to wait some time before they take part in it. So they try to do their best to survive in the Big Apple before competition, and get some lessons about the real World.
An unmarried career woman decides she wants a baby and finds a suitable partner, a sportswriter working for the magazine she publishes. After she maneuvers him into proposing marriage to her, she learns that he happens to be sterile.
A college professor is recruited by an undercover cop to pose as a bag lady to track down a drug connection following the brutal killing of a skid row crone.
A young wife discovers that she has Hodgkin's Disease. It can be treated, but complicating the situation is the fact that she is pregnant, and the treatment can endanger the life of her unborn baby, as well as herself.
In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.