Xie Dongshen


Guilty of Mind
A gifted criminal profiler, Fang Mu was asked to assist the police in solving a bizarre campus serial killing. Working together with Police Captain Tai Wei, Fang Mu tries to crack down the murder cases, but he unknowingly gets embroiled in a battle of wits.
Better and Better
Sun Xiangcheng, a self-styled professional fan organiser, is called from his home village of West Well Valley by his mother Yuanfang. Thinking he's highly connected with celebrities, she asks him to help organise the village's New Year celebrations
One Summer With You
In the backdrop of the 80's China, villagers in the remote countryside will inevitably move to the big cities to continue their dreams. This is the era China has to "march forward to modernization, the world and the future". During those days, school boy Zu Wei lives his village life happily and contentedly until his dream girl, Ming Xin, finally shows up.
Assistant Director
巨匠チャン・イーモウ監督が、中国の農村の小学校の代用教員になった13歳の少女と、生徒の子どもたちとの交流を描いた感動の物語。プロの俳優を使わず、ドキュメンタリー的な手法で描き、ベネチア映画祭で2度目の金獅子賞を受賞した。 過疎化が進む中国のある村の小学校に、13歳の少女ミンジが代用教員として雇われる。まだ幼さが残る彼女は必死に教師を務めるが、ある日、1人の生徒が家庭の事情で出稼ぎにいったまま行方不明となる。ミンジは彼を探しに都会へ向かい、次第に生徒との心の交流が生まれる。