Roy Thomas

出生 : 1940-11-22, Jackson, Missouri, USA


ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー:VOLUME 3
身長わずか1.5cmの最小ヒーロー、アントマンとワスプは、<量子世界>に導く装置を生み出した娘キャシー達とともに、ミクロより小さな世界へ引きずり込まれてしまう。そこで待ち受けていたのは、過去、現在、未来すべての時を操る能力を持つ、マーベル史上最凶の敵、征服者カーン。彼がこの世界から解き放たれたら、全人類に恐るべき危機が迫る 。アベンジャーズで最も普通すぎる男アントマンが、マーベル史上最大の脅威に挑むアクション超大作。
マーベル・スタジオ スペシャル・プレゼンテーション:ウェアウルフ・バイ・ナイト
ある暗く陰鬱な夜、常日頃は影に潜んでいるモンスター ・ハンターたちがリーダーの訃報を受けブラッドストーン邸に集う。亡きリーダーを偲びつつ、強力な遺品の相続人を決めるため、出席者たちが参加を余儀なくされたのは命がけの競技。勝利のためには危険なモンスターに立ち向かわねばならない。
何もかもが変わりつつある世界を元に戻すため、ストレンジはかつてアベンジャーズを脅かすほど強大な力を見せたスカーレット・ウィッチことワンダに助けを求める。 しかし、もはや彼らの力だけではどうすることもできない恐るべき脅威が人類、そして全宇宙に迫っていた。 さらに驚くべきことに、その宇宙最大の脅威はドクター・ストレンジと全く同じ姿をしていて…。
「アベンジャーズ」シリーズをはじめとしたマーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)の各作品で活躍した、スカーレット・ヨハンソン演じるブラック・ウィドウが単独で主役を務めた作品で、孤高の暗殺者だったブラック・ウィドウがなぜアベンジャーズになったのか、知られざる物語が明らかにされる。物語の時代設定は「シビル・ウォー キャプテン・アメリカ」と「アベンジャーズ インフィニティ・ウォー」の間で、ブラック・ウィドウがアベンジャーズから離れていた時期に起こった出来事を描く。ブラック・ウィドウの前に突如現れた、“妹”エレーナ。姉妹は、自分たちを暗殺者に育てたスパイ組織「レッドルーム」の秘密を知ったことで命を狙われる。唯一の味方は、かつて組織が作り出した“偽りの家族”だけだった。しかし、その家族の再会によってレッドルームの恐るべき陰謀が動き出す。エレーナ役は「ストーリー・オブ・マイライフ わたしの若草物語」でアカデミー助演女優賞にノミネートされたフローレンス・ピュー。監督は、「ベルリン・シンドローム」のケイト・ショートランド。2021年7月8日から劇場公開され、7月9日からDisney+でも配信(追加料金が必要なプレミアアクセスで公開)。
Marvel's Behind the Mask
A documentary special that explores the power of identity behind the iconic superheroes we know and love today. These legendary Marvel creations and stories have not only reflected the world outside our window – they have become a reflection of our own identities and who we truly are.
Celebrating Marvel's Stan Lee
Filmed in part in front of a live audience at The New Amsterdam Theater in New York City, this Stan Lee tribute takes viewers on an action-packed journey throughout the life of Lee and across the Marvel Universe, sharing never-before-seen interviews and archive footage with Lee himself from deep within the Marvel and ABC News archives.
A Riddle of Steel: The Definitive History of Conan the Barbarian
The story of Conan the Cimmerian, from Robert E. Howard's pulp fiction anti-hero to pop culture icon.
Geek, and You Shall Find
After attending a local comic book convention, three filmmakers are so moved by the stories shared with them by cosplayers that they decide to investigate geek culture even further. Attending other conventions across the country and speaking with legendary creators such as Kevin Eastman, Stan Lee and George R.R. Martin, the trio not only begins to find answers to why people gravitate towards superheroes and stories about superheroes, but how being a geek could help them live deeper, richer lives. Geek, and You Shall Find tells the stories behind the creation of several popular stories including Superman, Star Wars, Game of Thrones and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In sharing how these characters and their worlds came to be, creators reveal how often they have been inspired by real-life social ills. Most importantly, by continuing to speak with fans who have been inspired by these creations, this film reveals how superheroes have the potential to combat these social issues as well.
Batman & Bill
Everyone thinks that Bob Kane created Batman, but that’s not the whole truth. One author makes it his crusade to make it known that Bill Finger, a struggling writer, actually helped invent the iconic superhero, from concept to costume to the very character we all know and love. Bruce Wayne may be Batman’s secret identity, but his creator was always a true mystery.
Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues
Red Sonja, the She-Devil with a Sword, intends to pay back a blood debt owed to the one man who has gained her respect, even if it means leading a doomed army to their certain deaths! Who is Dark Annisia, and how has this fearsome warrior accomplished what neither god nor demon has been able to do: force Sonja to her knees in surrender? An epic tale of blood, lust, and vengeance, "Queen of Plagues" takes Red Sonja from the depths of her own grave to the heights of battlefield glory. From Gail Simone ("Batgirl", "Birds of Prey") and Walter Geovani ("Vampirella", "Witchblade"), "Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues" gives the iconic fantasy heroine a fresh new attitude! And now, you can see it all brought to life in this animated comic, starring Misty Lee ("Ultimate Spider-Man")!
Marvel's Captain America: 75 Heroic Years
A full-length documentary that follows the history of Captain America from 1941 to present and explores how “Cap” has been a reflection of the changing times and the world he has existed in throughout the years. Fans will hear from various Marvel luminaries including Stan Lee, Joe Quesada, Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Jeph Loeb, Louis D’Esposito, Chris Evans and Hayley Attwell, as well as family members of Cap’s creators.
Diagram for Delinquents
In 1950, America was in a state of panic. Juvenile delinquency was destroying the very fabric of society. Ninety percent of all children were reading comic books. In 1954, psychiatrist Dr. Fredric Wertham wrote a scathing indictment of comics called Seduction of the Innocent. Its central premise: Comic books were the leading contributing factor to juvenile delinquency. That same year, Dr. Wertham testified at special hearings on comic books at the Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency in the United States. Comics were on trial. Diagram for Delinquents captures the zeitgeist of late 1940s and early 1950s America and investigates how the funny books found themselves on the fire. Using expert and comic book insider interviews, never seen before historical photographs and films, and animation, DIAGRAM goes further than any previous comic book documentary to explore and understand the controversial figure at the center of this American tale: Fredric Wertham.
The Legends Behind the Comic Books
This new documentary film recognizes the comic book as a true art form, as indigenous to American culture as jazz. It presents comic books as reflectors of a changing America from the 1930's to today, and it hails comic book superheroes as modern-day mythological figures. “THE LEGENDS BEHIND THE COMIC BOOKS” captures for posterity the living artists and writers from The Golden Age of Comic Books (1938-1951) and The Silver Age of Comic Books (1956-1973). Insightful comments are provided by the creative geniuses who were there at the beginning, including…
Sin and Salvation: The Comic Book Origin of Ghost Rider
A look at the comic book history of the title character, one section a piece dedicated to 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000's by way of some interesting interviews with the various artists and writers who have worked on the different incarnations of the Marvel Comics that the film was based on. When combined the four parts of this documentary clock in at just over forty-five minutes in length. Those who are familiar with the various comics will definitely enjoy this look back at the character's history and hearing about it from the people who made it happen.
The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren.
強力なタラミス女王は、コナンに最愛の死の王国から彼女を返すことを約束しますが、条件を課します。彼女は、彼に貴重な石と美しい若い王女で覆われた伝説の角を持って来なければなりません。 コナンが無視しているのは、女王がホーンを使って眠っている神ダゴスを目覚めさせ、若い王女を犠牲にしたいということです。 致命的で超自然的な敵に直面したコナンは、タラミス、さらには神ダゴスさえも倒すために、善の力を召喚しなければなりません。
Fire and Ice
In this animated tale, a tiny village is destroyed by a surging glacier, which serves as the deadly domain for the evil Ice Lord, Nekron. The only survivor is a young warrior, Larn, who vows to avenge this act of destruction. The evil continues, however, as Nekron's palace of ice heads straight towards Fire Keep, the great fortress ruled by the good King Jarol. When Jarol's beautiful daughter, Teegra, is abducted by Nekron's sub-human ape-like creatures, Larn begins a daring search for her. What results is a tense battle between good and evil, surrounded by the mystical elements of the ancient past.
Red Sonja
A young girl rises from the ashes of tragedy to become the most feared warrior woman of all time: the She-Devil with a Sword.