Isabelle Gautier


Location Manager
Location Manager
科学者は、惑星地球の心臓がその回転運動を止めようとしていることを発見します。それは、私たちが知っているように生命をなくし、大きな自然災害を引き起こします。 科学者のグループは、大災害を防ぐことができる地球の中心への危険な任務のために募集されます。
The Whipping Boy
Transportation Coordinator
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
The Savage State
Femme de Gravenoire
L'Etat Sauvage is based on the novel by Georges Conchon which won the highly esteemed Prix de Goncourt. The story chronicles the mindless racism of both the departing French colonial overlords and the emergent black Africans in a newly emerging African state. Laurence (Marie-Christine Barrault) suffers the outrage of her white acquaintances, including her former lover Gravenoir (Claude Brasseur) and her ex-husband Avit (Jacques Dutronc), for her affair with Patrice Doumbe (Doura Mane), an official in the new government. He in turn is ridiculed by his fellow cabinet ministers for stepping out with a white woman. The vilification escalates to such a point that Patrice is brutally murdered, and Laurence barely escapes the country alive, with the help of her ex-husband Avit.
Les murs ont des oreilles
A writer separated from his wife moves to the countryside with his secretary and children. From his office, he can hear everything that is going on.