Antoinetta Hairston


フリーランサー NY捜査線
Set Costumer
The son of a slain NYPD officer joins the force, where he falls in with his father's former partner and a team of rogue cops. His new boss, Sarcone, will see if he has what it takes to be rogue through many trials and tribulations of loyalty, trust and respect. When the truth about his father's death is revealed revenge takes him over and he won't stop until justice has been truly served.
Key Costumer
ヒップホップ歌手、カーティス‘50 Cent’ジャクソン、ブルース・ウィリス、ライアン・フィリップらが共演した犯罪アクション。幼い頃から兄弟同然に支え合ってきたワル仲間3人が、ある強盗事件を境に決裂し、裏切りの連鎖に翻弄される様を描く。※PG12