James Bolt

出生 : 1956-08-31, California, USA


ジャック・リーチャー NEVER GO BACK
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life-dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge-he follows. After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues-and they're for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer he gets, the less Q sees of the girl he thought he knew.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
アナベル 死霊館の人形
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
出産が近いミアは、真っ白なウエディングドレスを着た美しいビンテージ人形を夫ジョンからプレゼントされる。ある夜、二人はカルト集団の男女の襲撃を受け辛くも命は取り留めるが、人形に恐ろしい呪いがかけられてしまう。 やがて、待望の子供が生まれ二人は新生活をスタートさせるが、人形をめぐり次々と不可解な現象が起こる。
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Baggage Claim
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister's wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore finds herself with only 30 days to make a connection. Fortunately, her friends have cooked up a high-flying scheme to help Montana land...the perfect guy!
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him.
ガーディアンズ 伝説の勇者たち
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Three Stooges
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
While trying to save their childhood orphanage, Moe, Larry and Curly inadvertently stumble into a murder plot and wind up starring in a reality TV show.
アルビン3 シマリスたちの大冒険
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
長ぐつをはいたネコことプスは孤児院でイメルダによって育てられたが「無実の罪」で街を追われ賞金首になっていた。ある日街の酒場で魔法の豆の話を耳にする。魔法の豆とはプスが自身の半生を費やして遂には見つけることが叶わなかったものであるが、ジャックとジルがその魔法の豆を持っているという情報を聞いてその豆を盗もうと行動に移す。 しかし、その場で謎の覆面ネコと居合わせ、覆面のネコも魔法の豆を盗もうとしており口論の末にジャックとジルに見つかってしまい豆を盗むのに失敗してしまう。プスは覆面のネコと対決してこのネコがメスのキティだと分かる。そしてこの場で旧友のハンプティ・ダンプティと7年ぶりに再会する。ハンプティとは前述の「無実の罪」の元凶となっており、プスに魔法の豆の木を登って雲の上にある巨人の城へ行き伝説のアヒルが産む金の卵を探し当てようと持ちかける。 プスは、ハンプティ達を信用できないと一旦は拒否するも、再び街の人々の信頼を取り戻して自分へかかった無実の罪を相殺できるのではないかと考え話を受け入れる。しかし、その裏にはプスの想像を超えるような罠が待ち受けていた。
SUPER 8/スーパーエイト
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Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Greg Heffley is headed for big things, but first he has to survive the scariest, most humiliating experience of any kid’s life – middle school! That won’t be easy, considering he’s surrounded by hairy-freckled morons, wedgie-loving bullies and a moldy slice of cheese with nuclear cooties!
Sound Mixer
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Sound Mixer
フェイク シティ ある男のルール
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Reno 911!: Miami
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A rag-tag team of Reno cops are called in to save the day after a terrorist attack disrupts a national police convention in Miami Beach during spring break. Based on the Comedy Central series.
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The Family Stone
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An uptight, conservative businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.
ファンタスティック・フォー [超能力ユニット]
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1事故。 10人の生存者。 文明から3,000マイル。 飛行機crash落事故からの生存者のグループは、ゴビ砂漠の真ん中で失われ、救われる可能性はありません。 彼らの唯一の希望は、「不可能」を達成することです。plane落した飛行機の残骸を使って新しいデバイスを構築し、砂漠から抜け出すことです。 貨物飛行機パイロットのフランクタウンズと彼の副操縦士AJがモンゴルのタンサグ盆地に派遣され、キャンセルされた炭化水素探査作業のスタッフを避難させたとき、それはすべて始まりました。 このふたりは、この日常的な使命が生死の闘争になり、人生に対するすべての見方を完全に変えるとは考えていません。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Berliner Mieke(Jessica Boehrs)が電子メールでAmerican Scott(Scott Mechlowicz)に自分自身を宣言すると、彼は彼女を男として拒否します。 彼女は自分の間違いを発見すると、彼に連絡しようとしますが、それは不可能です。 彼女を征服する唯一の方法は、ベルリン(ドイツ)に旅行することであると思われ、彼は友人のクーパー(ジェイコブピッツ)と双子のジェニー(ミシェルトラヒテンベルク)とジェイミー(トラヴィスウェスター)の旅に同行します 。
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1805年。ナポレオンがヨーロッパを支配しています。 イングランドだけが彼に抵抗します。 これらはナポレオン戦争の時代であり、現在、海と海は重要かつ戦略的な戦場になっています。 大西洋では、「ラッキー」ジャックオーブリー(カラス)がキャプテンを務めるイギリスの軍艦サプライズが、それよりはるかに上位の敵軍艦に突然攻撃されます。 オーブリーは記憶に残る決定を下します:サプライズと外科医スティーブンマトゥリン(ベタニー)を含む彼女の忠実な乗組員が被った深刻な損害にもかかわらず、彼は2つの海を渡って航海し、敵を迎撃して捕まえることにしました。 これは、海の向こう側に彼を連れて世界の反対側に連れて行く追跡で、国家の運命を決定するか、キャプテンと彼の乗組員を破壊することができるミッションです。
Recording Supervision
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Like Mike
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Calvin and his friends, who all live in an orphanage, find old shoes with the faded letters MJ connected to a powerline. One stormy night, they go to get the shoes when Calvin and the shoes are struck by lightning. Calvin now has unbelievable basketball powers and has the chance to play for the NBA.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Dude, Where's My Car?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Two stoners wake up after a night of partying and cannot remember where they parked their car.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Elliot Richardson, a suicidal techno geek, is given seven wishes to turn his life around when he meets a very seductive Satan. The catch: his soul. Some of his wishes include a 7 foot basketball star, a rock star, and a hamburger. But, as could be expected, the Devil puts her own little twist on each of his fantasies.
Sunset Strip
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A day in Hollywood, 1972, with young people looking for the 24 hours that will change their lives. Zach will open that night for a British rocker at Whisky a Go-Go; he lives in a canyon and plays impromptu duets with a mysterious guitarist he doesn't see. Tammy is a costume designer, open to quick sex with the various rockers she works with and loved from afar by Michael, a photographer recovering from a case of the clap. His good friend is Felix, a morose, alcoholic songwriter. On hand for comic relief is Marty Shapiro, a fast-talking record producer. Getting ready for the gig at the club, Zach's performance, and the early-morning aftermath comprise the film.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Best friends Alice and Darlene take a trip to Thailand after graduating high school. In Thailand, they meet a captivating Australian man, who calls himself Nick Parks. Darlene is particularly smitten with Nick and convinces Alice to take Nick up on his offer to treat the two of them to what amounts to a day trip to Hong Kong. In the airport, the girls are seized by the police and shocked to discover that one of their bags contains heroin.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Upon receiving reports of missing persons at Fort Spencer, a remote Army outpost on the Western frontier, Capt. John Boyd investigates. After arriving at his new post, Boyd and his regiment aid a wounded frontiersman who recounts a horrifying tale of a wagon train murdered by its supposed guide -- a vicious U.S. Army colonel gone rogue. Fearing the worst, the regiment heads out into the wilderness to verify the gruesome claims.
X-ファイル ザ・ムービー
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Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Inventing the Abbotts
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the 1950s, brothers Jacey and Doug Holt, who come from the poorer side of their sleepy Midwestern town, vie for the affections of the wealthy, lovely Abbott sisters. Lady-killer Jacey alternates between Eleanor and Alice, wanting simply to break the hearts of rich young women. But sensitive Doug has a real romance with Pamela, which Jacey and the Abbott patriarch, Lloyd, both frown upon.
Foley Mixer
Two teen girls, one from the city, one from the country, try to find the hidden gold of Bear Mountain learning about friendship, loyalty and courage on the way.
Foley Mixer
Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Biographical account of America's President for the latter part of WWII. Shows Truman's rise from small-town nobody to leader of the USA, his decision to use the Atomic Bomb against Japan, and subsequent election as the US' post-war President.
Mad Love
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Matt falls for Casey, the new girl in school. She's fun-loving and eccentric, but there's a darkness to her whimsy that Matt can't begin to comprehend. When Casey attempts to commit suicide, her parents place her in a mental institution. Matt springs her out, and together the young lovers head on a road trip. They believe their love can "cure" Casey's problems. Matt starts to wonder, though, if are they inspired or misguided.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A daring prison break from an airliner at 30,000 feet leaves U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip mourning a brother and gunning for revenge. After being ordered to turn in his badge, he seeks out Jessie Crossman, a noted skydiver, and offers to sponsor her crew for the annual Independence Day parachuting show in Washington, D.C., if she trains him. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind the mid-air jailbreak is planning a daring computer theft on Independence Day.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The beautiful princess Odette is transformed into a swan by an evil sorcerer's spell. Held captive at an enchanted lake, she befriends Jean-Bob the frog, Speed the turtle and Puffin the bird. Despite their struggle to keep the princess safe, these good-natured creatures can do nothing about the sorcerer's spell, which can only be broken by a vow of everlasting love.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When a woman's father goes missing, she enlists a local to aid in her search. The pair soon discover that her father has died at the hands of a wealthy sportsman who hunts homeless men as a form of recreation.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ヒット・メーカー、ロバート・ゼメキス監督による、SFX満載の超娯楽作! アカデミー賞女優、メリル・ストリープとゴールディ・ホーンが、どん欲で虚栄心の強い、セクシーでふしだらな熟女を熱演。この2人の女たちの間で翻弄される中年男アーネスト役にブルース・ウィリス。イザベラ・ロッセリーニ演じる魅惑的な謎の美女がマデリーン(メリル・ストリープ)とヘレン(ゴールディ・ホーン)に差し出した液体は、なんと若く美しいまま永遠に生き続けられるという念願の秘薬だった! 最先端の特撮技術を駆使した究極のブラック・コメディ決定版!!
American Me
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
During his 18 years in Folsom Prison, street-gang leader Santana rules over all the drug-and-murder activities behind bars. Upon his release, Santana goes back to his old neighborhood, intending to lead a peaceful, crime-free life. But his old gang buddies force him back into his old habits.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A young married couple and their daughter are terrorized by a pride of ferocious feral felines.
Don't Tell Her It's Me
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Gus is a fat cartoonist that recently won a battle against cancer, which explains his baldness. But he is also lonely. Therefore, his caring sister tries to set him up with suitable woman. But to do so, she must turn him into an irresistible man. When he falls in love with Emily, Gus takes the identity of a mysterious biker from New Zealand.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical Murder
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A young theatre director is accused of killing a more famous Broadway director. Perry takes his case.
ADR Recordist