Marc Scott


An American Pickle
Transportation Coordinator
An immigrant worker at a pickle factory is accidentally preserved for 100 years and wakes up in modern day Brooklyn. He learns his only surviving relative is his great grandson, a computer coder who he can’t connect with.
マー サイコパスの狂気の地下室
Transportation Coordinator
Sue Ann is a loner who keeps to herself in her quiet Ohio town. One day, she is asked by Maggie, a new teenager in town, to buy some booze for her and her friends, and Sue Ann sees the chance to make some unsuspecting, if younger, friends of her own.
Transportation Coordinator
Set in postwar America, a man watches his seemingly perfect life fall apart as his daughter's new political affiliation threatens to destroy their family.
CG Supervisor
長ぐつをはいたネコことプスは孤児院でイメルダによって育てられたが「無実の罪」で街を追われ賞金首になっていた。ある日街の酒場で魔法の豆の話を耳にする。魔法の豆とはプスが自身の半生を費やして遂には見つけることが叶わなかったものであるが、ジャックとジルがその魔法の豆を持っているという情報を聞いてその豆を盗もうと行動に移す。 しかし、その場で謎の覆面ネコと居合わせ、覆面のネコも魔法の豆を盗もうとしており口論の末にジャックとジルに見つかってしまい豆を盗むのに失敗してしまう。プスは覆面のネコと対決してこのネコがメスのキティだと分かる。そしてこの場で旧友のハンプティ・ダンプティと7年ぶりに再会する。ハンプティとは前述の「無実の罪」の元凶となっており、プスに魔法の豆の木を登って雲の上にある巨人の城へ行き伝説のアヒルが産む金の卵を探し当てようと持ちかける。 プスは、ハンプティ達を信用できないと一旦は拒否するも、再び街の人々の信頼を取り戻して自分へかかった無実の罪を相殺できるのではないかと考え話を受け入れる。しかし、その裏にはプスの想像を超えるような罠が待ち受けていた。
SUPER 8/スーパーエイト
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Coordinator
A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind and water. It is cold enough to crack stones, and, when the snow falls it is gray. The sky is dark. Their destination is the warmer south, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there.
Transportation Coordinator
Lifelong platonic friends Zack and Miri look to solve their respective cash-flow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the duo begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.
The Clearing
Transportation Coordinator
When affluent executive Wayne Hayes is kidnapped by a disgruntled employee and held for ransom in a forest, Wayne’s wife is forced to reckon with the FBI agents as they negotiate with the kidnapper.
8 Mile
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Coordinator
Thad Beaumont is the author of a highly successful series of violent pulp thrillers written under the pseudonym of ‘George Stark’, but when he decides to ‘kill-off’ his alter-ego in a mock ceremony, it precipitates a string of sadistic murders matching those in his pulp novels, which are soon discovered to be the work of Stark himself. Looking like a maniacal version of his counterpart, Stark is not so willing to quit the writing game – even if it means coming after Thad's wife and their baby.