Harrison MacDonald


Harrison MacDonald is an actor.


F-22 Pilot #3
The Art of Us
Student #4
Harper Higgins is determined to land a tenured position at Boston Art College, and she’s counting on curating a big art gallery at the university to do so. But when she loses her showcase artist and can find no one else, she turns to her recently-hired dog walker who, unbeknownst to anyone, is a skilled painter.
Liar, Liar, Vampire
When ordinary boy Davis suddenly becomes famous at school as people start to believe he's actually a vampire, vampire expert Cameron helps him act like a real vampire.
An art instructor and an English teacher form a rivalry that ends up with a competition at their school in which students decide whether words or pictures are more important.
Date and Switch
Two guys who make a pact to lose their virginity before prom find their friendship tested when one of them comes out of the closet.