Dean Cole


著名な脚本家であるリチャード・ベンソンは、プロデューサーのアレギザンダー・マイヤハイムからの依頼を受け、映画『エッフェル塔を盗んだ娘』の脚本に取り組んでいる。とはいえ、決まっているのはタイトルだけで、パリのホテルに滞在しながら遊び呆ける毎日。 締切まであと2日となったある日、若き美人タイピストのガブリエル・シンプソンがホテルの部屋にやってくる。ガブリエルは脚本が1ページもできていないことに驚きあきれるが、彼女の刺激を得ながら、リチャードはようやく脚本の執筆にとりかかる。彼はガブリエルをモデルにして“ギャビー”(ガブリエルの親称)というキャラクターを立ち上げ、自分をモデルにした嘘つきで泥棒の“リック”(リチャードの親称)との、巴里祭を舞台にしたラブ・ストーリーを描き始めるが……。
I Married a Monster from Outer Space
Aliens from Outer Space are slowly switching places with real humans -- one of the first being a young man about to get married. Slowly, his new wife realizes something is wrong, and her suspicions are confirmed when her husband's odd behaviour begins to show up in other townspeople.
Desire Under the Elms
Ephraim Cabot is an old man of amazing vitality who loves his New England farm with a greedy passion. Hating him, and sharing his greed, are the sons of two wives Cabot has overworked into early graves. Most bitter is Eben, whose mother had owned most of the farm, and who feels who should be sole heir. When the old man brings home a new wife, Anna, she becomes a fierce contender to inherit the farm. Two of the sons leave when Eben gives them the fare in return for their shares of the farm. Meanwhile, Anna tries to cause some sparks by rubbing up against Eben.
Artists and Models
Rick Todd is a struggling artist who lives with his pal Eugene Fullstack who happens to be a writer of children's stories. Rick would like to break in the comic book industry but he has one problem, he can't write. However, Eugene's overactive imagination as well as his obsession with comic books causes him to have wild dreams of a super hero named Vincent the Vulture and Rick uses Eugene's dreams to create a comic book featuring Vincent. Living in the same building as the boys is Abigail Parker and her roommate Bessie Sparrowbush. Abigail happens to be the author of Eugene's favorite comic book, Bat Lady, and Bessie is her model. During one of Eugene's dreams, he comes up with the formula for a secret rocket fuel, which happens to be an exact copy of half of a formula the government is working on. Soon, a group of enemy agents are after Eugene in order to get the rest of the formula.
Sealed Verdict
John Hoyt plays a high-ranking Nazi being prosecuted by an army tribunal in the aftermath of World War II. Sentenced to death, the general appeals to the American investigating Major (Ray Milland), claiming mitigating circumstances, and providing the names of witnesses who will clear his name. This sends the Major in a search through the ruins of post-war Germany to determine the degree of the general's guilt.